
  • 网络Kazan;Kasan
  1. 我们指示负责贸易事务的亚太经合组织部长(APECMinistersResponsibleforTrade)利用2012年的喀山(Kazan)会议,评估在世贸组织推动多哈发展议程取得进展的途径。

    We direct APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade to use the2012 meeting in Kazan to assess ways to promote progress on the DDA in the WTO .

  2. 在上述铁路线路改造之前,俄罗斯还于2013年9月建成了一条连接俄东部城市喀山(Kazan)与朝鲜罗先经济特区(Rasonspecialeconomiczone)的铁路。罗先港有三个码头,其中一个专供俄罗斯使用。

    The track upgrade would follow Russia 's completion in September 2013 of a rail link connecting its eastern city of Kazan with Rason , a North Korean special economic zone where Russia has sole use of one of the port 's three piers .

  3. 俄罗斯急救官员表示,一架波音737客机坠毁,机上50人全部遇难。据NPR新闻的科里·弗林科夫从莫斯科带来的报道,这架飞机试图在俄罗斯中部城市喀山降落时坠毁。

    Emergency official in Russia say a Boeing 737 airliner has crashed killing all 50 people on board.From Moscow NPR 's Cory Flintoff reports the plane crashed while trying to land in the central Russia city of Kazan .

  4. 它建于1555-61,作为对攻克喀山的纪念。

    Was built in 1555-61 to commemorate the conquering of Kazan .

  5. 该客机坠毁的时候喀山市正在下雨。

    It was raining in Kazan when the aircraft crashed .

  6. 我们在从喀山到古辛斯基音乐节的公路上。

    We are on the road from Kazan to the Grushinski Festival .

  7. 花些时间漫步于喀山大教堂里巨大的棕色圆柱所围成的半圆形。

    Take time to wander among Kazan Cathedral 's semi circle of enormous brown columns .

  8. 罗曼诺夫目前就读于鞑靼斯坦共和国首府喀山市的寄宿学校,两年前被人领养。

    Romanov , who is at boarding school in Tatarstan 's capital Kazan , was adopted two years ago .

  9. 一架客机在俄罗斯喀山市机场降落时坠毁,机上50人全部遇难。

    A passenger plane has crashed at an airport in the Russian city of Kazan , killing all 50 people on board .

  10. 2005年8月26日举行的独联体喀山峰会是独联体发展进程中的一个转折点。

    The CIS Summit conference held on August 26 , 2005 at Kazan was a turning point in the process of CIS development .

  11. 事发地的天气温和,这架飞机刚刚完成从莫斯科飞往喀山的450英里路程。

    Weather in the area was reported to be mild , the flight was just completing the 450 mile trip from Moscow to Kazan .

  12. 8月6日,中国游泳运动员宁泽涛在俄罗斯喀山世界游泳锦标赛上以47秒84的成绩获得男子100米自由泳金牌。

    Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao won the men 's 100-meter freestyle in 47.84 seconds at the world championships in Kazan , Russia , on Aug 6 .

  13. 今年2月,他与喀山备受尊敬的普里马韦拉室内乐团合作演出,随后,他就收到了首都一所音乐学校的邀请。

    In February he performed with Kazan 's respected La Primavera chamber orchestra , which led to an invitation to join a music school in the capital .

  14. 喀山大教堂和伊比利亚礼拜堂及复活门由于为了给大阅兵让位而被摧毁。

    The Kazan Cathedral and the Iverskaya Chapel with the Resurrection Gates were destroyed to make space for the military parades and demonstrations that frequented the square .

  15. 宁泽涛在2015年喀山世锦赛中获得男子100米自由泳冠军后一举成名,在里约奥运会举办前成为夺冠热门选手。

    Ning rose to the stardom when he won the men 's 100-meter freestyle at the Kazan World Championships in 2015 , becoming a hot favorite ahead of the Rio Olympic Games .

  16. 随后,联合国军又发动了一系列名为“勇气”和“印第安战斧”的陆军和空军联合军事行动,对在朝鲜喀山和汉城之间的中国和北朝鲜军队展开进攻,将其赶回朝鲜北部。

    A further series of attacks slowly drove back the communist forces , such as Operations Courageous and Tomahawk , a combined ground-and air-assault to trap communist forces between Kaesong and Seoul .

  17. 包括加里宁格勒,喀山,莫斯科,诺夫哥罗德,顿河河畔罗斯托夫,圣彼得堡,萨马拉,萨兰斯克,索契,伏尔加格勒和叶卡捷琳堡在内的诸多俄罗斯城市,将会举办2018年世界杯。该届世界杯将从2018年6月14号开始,持续到7月15号结束。

    Russian cities of Kaliningrad , Kazan , Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod , Rostov-on-Don , Saint Petersburg , Samara , Saransk , Sochi , Volgograd and Yekaterinburg will host FIFA World Cup 2018 to last from June 14 through July 15 , 2018 .

  18. 在去年的喀山世锦赛中,中国网红宁泽涛成为了第一位赢得100米自由泳冠军的亚洲男运动员。但是他却没能进入2016年里约奥运会100米自由泳比赛的决赛。

    China 's international sensation Ning Zetao , who became the first Asian man ever to win the 100m freestyle at the world championships in Kazan last year , failed to qualify for the men 's 100m freestyle final at the 2016 Rio Olympics .