
pēn bó ér chū
  • spurt out
  1. 一股洪流喷薄而出。

    A powerful current spurted out .

  2. 最终,我们将使全息影像在电视屏幕上喷薄而出。

    Eventually we 'll have holographic images bursting out of your TV .

  3. 谁知道会有怎样的奇思妙想喷薄而出呢?

    Who knows what creative thought might come of it ?

  4. 鲜活的回忆在我心中复活,难以抑制地喷薄而出。

    Memories , vivid and overpowering , revived and flooded inside me .

  5. 真爱的力量喷薄而出环抱了整片王国

    A pulse of pure love shuddered out and engulfed the land ,

  6. 地下的混乱状态使大量含硫的蒸汽喷薄而出

    The turmoil below erupts in clouds of sulphurous steam .

  7. 那只绯红的小手就会明显地喷薄而出,恰似洁白大理石上的一颗红宝石浮雕。

    And the birthmark would stand out like a red jewel on white stone .

  8. 正是它通过我诗人的心灵,融化成曲,喷薄而出。

    And this it is that ever melts and Flows in songs through my poet 's heart .

  9. 马永强是一个温和内敛的艺术家,但他的作品却具有强烈的、喷薄而出的力量。

    Ma Yongqiang is a mild and introverted artist , but his works possess a strong and surging power .

  10. 值得庆幸的是,太阳喷薄而出,它们的暂停给了我充足的时空,让我拍下了这张照片。

    Thankfully , as the sun broke through , they paused just long enough for me to shoot this image .

  11. 我坐在船头,倾听着悠扬的涛声,观看那喷薄而出的旭日。

    I sat there in the boat listening to the gentle lapping of the water and watched the sun rise .

  12. 期待一个更为蓬勃的网络文学和作文教学世界,在新的世纪喷薄而出。

    It can be expected that a new world of online literature and writing teaching will appear in this new century .

  13. 红日喷薄而出,邮轮置身于茫茫大海中,周围全是形态各异的奇峰怪石,伴着红日缓缓升起。

    Sun red rose , sea cruise outside , around all the wonderful peak walking patterns vary , moving slowly up the red day .

  14. 然后,我的脚步惊起了一群海鸥,它们在我周围盘旋,就在这时,太阳在海面上喷薄而出。

    Later , a flock of sea gulls took wing as I approached , and circled around me as the sun burst over the ocean .

  15. 如果我的想念喷薄而出,我不会告诉你。尽管如此,那些思念依然值得我珍惜。

    If I miss you till I couldn 't bear , I will not tell you . However , those thoughts are still worthy of my treasure .

  16. 你像隆冬时节那冲破层层乌云,喷薄而出的太阳,用浓浓的暖意包围着我,给我无尽的不曾有过的温暖。

    You like the middle of winter to break through the cloud layers , gushing out of the sun , the warmth with thick surrounded me , to me did not have endless warmth .

  17. 中国近代实验学校的独立创设,是对当时喷薄而出的教育实验运动的积极响应,它顺应了教育实验运动兴起的历史需要。

    Conforming to the historic trend of the times to educational experimental campaign , the independent establishment of modern Chinese experimental schools was a response with full support to the emerging educational experimental campaign .