
  1. 威尔士早餐&嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗?

    A Welsh breakfast & errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile ?

  2. “你的市场调查有哪些内容?”“嗯,这个嘛,要视我们的目标年龄群体而定。”

    ' What does your market research consist of ? ' — ' Well , the thing is , it depends on our target age group . '

  3. 卡西:嗯,那个嘛。我看攀岩我就弃权好了。

    Kathy : Umm , well , I think I 'll give that a miss .