
zěn me le
  • What's wrong?;What happened?;What's the matter?;what is up;matter
  1. 他怎么了?

    What 's wrong with him ?

  2. 你怎么了?你为什么哭丧着脸?

    What 's wrong ? why do you wear a long face ?

  3. 他怎么了?他看上去怒气冲冲。

    What 's up with him ? He looks furious .

  4. 怎么了?出了什么事儿吗?

    What 's the matter ? Is there something wrong ?

  5. 我不知道我是怎么了。

    I can 't think what came over me .

  6. 你怎么了,亲爱的?

    What 's up with you , chuck ?

  7. 你今天是怎么了?

    What 's the matter with you today ?

  8. “你的车怎么了?”——“坏了。”

    ' What 's happened to your car ? — 'It 's kaput . '

  9. 我想知道诺曼怎么了。

    I want to know what happened to Norman

  10. 怎么了,出什么事了吗?

    What happened , is anything wrong ?

  11. “怎么了!”我发怒了。

    ' What happened ! ' I exploded

  12. 到底怎么了?

    What was really going on ?

  13. 啊?怎么了?你要告诉我我刚才做了什么吗?

    Huh ? What 's going on ? You want to tell me what I did ?

  14. “这人怎么了?”前排有个美国人问道。

    ' What 's with this guy ? ' demanded an American voice in the row in front .

  15. “是跟那个科比特家的女人有关的事。”——“哦,是吗,她怎么了?”

    ' This thing with the Corbett woman . ' — 'Oh , yeah . What about her ? '

  16. 你怎么了?--没啥,有点头疼。

    What 's the matter with you ? -- Just a bit of a headache ; nothing serious .

  17. 他怎么了?病了吗?

    What 's the matter with him ? is he sick ?

  18. 嘿,哥们儿,你怎么了?

    Hi , buddy . what 's wrong with you ?

  19. 你怎么了,一整天都病(病)殃殃的?

    What 's the matter ? you look tired and sick the whole time .

  20. 婴孩在哭,我不知道他怎么了。

    The baby is crying . I wonder what is the matter with it .

  21. 这件事怎么了局?

    How should we settle this outcome ?

  22. B:我现在在超市。怎么了?

    B : I 'm in the supermarket now . What 's up ?

  23. B:你怎么了?

    B : What 's the matter with you ?

  24. A:嗯,就这样。B:我怎么了?

    A : Mm , that 's it . B : What 's wrong with me ?

  25. B:爸爸。我和我最好的朋友闹矛盾了。A:怎么了?

    B : Dad . I have a problem with my best friend . A : What 't happened ?

  26. A:我需要帮助,先生!H:怎么了,女士?

    A : I need help , sir ! H : What 's the matter , madam ?

  27. 莎莉:别担心。怎么了

    Sally : Don 't worry . What 's the matter ?

  28. "大男孩,怎么了?"吉米说。

    " Big Boy , what 's wrong ? " Jimmy said .

  29. “怎么了,玛吉?”我停下了舞蹈。

    " What 's the matter , Maggie ? " I stopped dancing .

  30. "怎么了?"我问。

    " What 's wrong ? " I asked .