首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 现在,我向你演示德国士兵怎是么跑的。

    Now , I will show you how German soldiers run .

  2. 经管如此,为什么,我怎是被这股冲动驱使着。

    But , why ? Why do I get driven by this impulse ?

  3. 那么怎是疯了呢?

    How , then , am I mad ?

  4. 没可能的,怎会是埃及王子?

    It is not possible . a Prince of egypt !

  5. 真不懂你小孩怎会是少年犯喔。

    You wonder why your kids are juvenile delinquents .

  6. 你怎会是自我创造的人呢?

    How can you possibly be a self-made man ?

  7. 怎会是你部队的对手?

    How could they be your military leads ?

  8. 你怎知是我?我连声都没出。

    How did you know it was me ? I didn 't say anything .

  9. 他怎会是个小偷?

    How could he be a burglar ?

  10. 不怎意外的是我们主要的不满在于触摸板这里,因为它又把鼠标的左右键和触摸板整合在一块(没有click感)。

    Unsurprisingly , our major complaint about the system is related to the touchpad with its integrated mouse buttons .

  11. 怎麼又是打咚咚?记者在心里嘀咕着。

    Pound , how is playing ? Reporters and thinking to himself .

  12. 你怎会不再是我的对门芳邻了?

    I know , how can you not be accross the hall anymore .

  13. 人们怎知道结局是如何?

    How will people know how the movie ends ?

  14. 你怎知道神是你生命的中心?

    How do you know when God is at the center of your life ?

  15. 我怎知道他们是不是自找的?

    Who am I to assume they didn 't have it coming to them ?

  16. 如果他们能与我在电话里交谈,他们怎可能会是聋的?

    If they could carry on a conversation with me on the telephone , how can they possibly be " deaf "?

  17. 你可以通过完成不可能的事来展现你珍惜自己的爱,没有危险与勇气,你怎知爱是值得付出的。

    You can treasure your love by waging it against the rules , without dangers and courage , how do you know your love is worth loving ?

  18. 不知怎的,似乎是到了该结束的合适时机了。

    It seemed an appropriate place to end somehow

  19. 无论怎想,这是件最合适的事。

    However he looked at it this was an ideal set-up .

  20. 我怎知哪通是你打的?

    How am I supposed to know which one is yours ?

  21. 你怎不问上尉他是哪儿的人?

    Why don 't you ask the captain where he 's from ?

  22. 你怎知道幕后老板是阿毛?

    How did you know it 's mo 's hideout ?

  23. 当我们愿意去放下所有的期望、我们想别人怎做或事情是怎样发展的,这会让我们和我们所面对的境况向前,变得更好。

    Our willingness to let go of all our expectations , our ideas of how a person or things should be , allows us and the situation to move forward .

  24. 但这样苍白的人儿怎认得,尽管是微笑着看着他?“难道说他已忘了我,忘了我?”这想法使艾琳心碎啦。

    But ah ! so pale , he knew her not , Though her smil on him was dwelling -- ' And am I then forgot -- forgot ? ' It broke the heart of Ellen .