
  • 网络Instrumental movement;apparatus exercise
  1. 本文主要是推导出投掷器械运动的轨迹方程和投掷角度的计算方法。

    This paper introduces the trace equation of moving-throw device and the calculating method about the throw angle .

  2. 在体育馆通过器械做运动真的很累。你应该调整节奏,如果运动量太大反而不好。Don'tpush(me)!不要推!

    It isn 't good if get too exhausted when you exercise .

  3. 器械集运动刺激调节和促进内分泌调节于一体。

    The utility model can regulate the stimulating for the sport and promote the regulation of the endocrine .

  4. 对公园来说,最具挑战性的就是要鼓励游客购买某种品牌的体育器械或运动服装。

    The challenge for the park is to encourage its visitors to buy a particular brand of sports equipment or clothing .

  5. 综合展品采购区:运动用品、运动器械、运动服装辅料、运动纪念品、运动主题饰品。

    Comprehensive exhibits procurement area : sporting goods , the sports facilities , sportswear accessories , sports souvenirs , sports theme decorations .

  6. 广泛应用到家用电器、微型电机、电动工具、摩托车、汽车、医疗器械、运动机械、纺织机械及农业机械上。

    They are widely applicable for the electrical home appliance , miniature motor , electric fan , motorcycle , automobile , medical instruments , sports machinery , textile , agricultural machinery .

  7. 好像我的意识已经被搬离了我正常的对于真实世界的感觉,就是我,是那个在器械上保持运动的人,

    And it was as though my consciousness had shifted away from my normal perception of reality , where I 'm the person on the machine having the experience ,

  8. 通过研究,本文对搭配训练法这种训练方法做出了肯定的回答,并深入分析了轻重器械成绩与运动成绩相关程度。

    According to the study , it gives an affirmative answer to the method of mixed weight & light apparatus training and analyses the relevant degree between this method and the player 's performance .

  9. 先养成习惯,再购买器械&光鲜的运动器械不能促成体育锻炼的习惯。

    Habits First , Equipment Later-Fancy equipment doesn 't create a habit for exercise .

  10. 在软件、生物技术、医疗器械、电信和运动器材等各种领域,用户正在刺激增长。

    In sectors as diverse as software , biotechnology , medical instrumentation , telecommunications and sports equipment , users are spurring growth .

  11. 随着机器人技术的逐渐成熟,在越来越多的领域里用到了机器人,如:医疗器械、家庭、运动、服务等。

    As the robotics mature , the fields of medical treatment , household , sports , services and so on are making increasing use of robots .

  12. 本公司主要生产用于服装、鞋帽、箱包、运动护具、保健器械、水上运动用品等行业之布料。

    This company of mainly produces uses in cotton materials of profession and so on clothing , shoes and hats , box package , movement equipment maintenance , health care instrument , aquatic sports thing .