
zào shēnɡ wū rǎn
  • noise pollution
噪声污染 [zào shēng wū rǎn]
  • [noise pollution] 由干扰或有害噪声(如汽车或喷气式飞机的噪声)形成的环境污染

  1. 一是粉尘,CO2,SO2,NOx排放及噪声污染负荷。

    And emission of dust , CO2 , SO2 , and NOx and the noise pollution .

  2. 随着开关电源开关频率的提高,EMI噪声污染越来越严重。

    Following the frequency raising of switch mode power supply , the EMI noise pollution was becoming more and more serious than before .

  3. 这种被噪声污染了的信号倍频后,通常调幅噪声的频宽扩大N倍(N为倍频次数);

    After doubling the frequency of noise-polluted signal , the bandwidth of AM noise is often extended by a factor of N ( N-number of doubling fre - quency ) .

  4. 算法对LUM滤波器进行了两方面的改进:一方面针对未被噪声污染的非边缘区域,不滤波;

    The algorithm improves the LUM filter in following two aspects .

  5. 提出一种新的自适应算法估计被噪声污染的正弦波信号的频率,依据IIR窄带滤波器和自适应FIR滤波器的级联,形成快速有效的自适应算法。

    In this paper , based on a narrow IIR BPF cascaded by an adaptive FIR filter , a novel fast adaptive algorithm for sinusoid frequency detection in noisy environment is depicted .

  6. 该方法首先对被噪声污染的SAR图像进行小波变换,然后在小波域内对该图像进行平滑滤波,最后实现了一个SAR图像增强去噪处理系统。

    In this method , wavelet transform is applied to the noise polluted SAR image firstly , and then the SAR image is filtered by a smooth filter in the wavelet domain . Finally a SAR image denoising system is implemented .

  7. 本文在对Canny的最佳边缘检测算子进行理论及实验研究的基础上,将Wiener滤波与之相结合,提出了一种有效的提取噪声污染边缘的改善方法。

    Based on theoretical and experimental study of Canny 's optimal edge detection operator , we combine it with the Wiener filter and propose an efficient improved method on detecting noisy edges .

  8. 实验表明,彩色C-V方法用于分割边缘模糊和噪声污染较为严重的网点图像时,效果大大优于传统的分割方法。

    The result of experiments show that color C-V method is far better than traditional methods when it transacts halftone images within fuzzy edges and severe pollution of noise .

  9. 该系统尽管制造成本和安装难度有所增加,但对比测试表明,室内CO2浓度明显下降,没有带来新的噪声污染,室内人员普遍反映室内空气品质有极大改善。

    Despite manufacturing cost raise and installation inconvenience for the system , the comparison tests indicate that the density of indoor CO2 decreases evidently , no new noise pollution is induced and the IAQ is improved greatly by the evaluation of indoor people .

  10. 实验结果表明,该电路具有较高的吞吐率和较强的计算能力。再次,针对被乘性噪声污染的观测图像提出了在FPGA资源约束条件下的图像快速复原处理的电路结构和实现方法。

    The experimental results show that this circuit has large throughout and strong computational power . Thirdly , a circuit design is proposed for image restoration problem , in which the observed image is contaminated by multiplicative noise . The circuit is implemented under resource constraints of FPGA .

  11. 工业现场所采集的图像一般都会受到不同程度的污染,针对这种情况,将离散型Hopfield神经网络的联想记忆特点运用于有噪声污染的工业图像识别。

    The image gathered from the industrial field is often polluted to some degree . To deal with this , a discrete Hopfield neural network , with associative memory characteristics , is applied to the industrial pattern recognition with pollution .

  12. 仿真实验表明:该方法对噪声污染、JPEG压缩、剪切等攻击的抵抗能力优于Arnold变换、Fibonacci变换、仿射变换等方法。该方法可用于数字水印预处理和图像加密。

    Experimental results show that this method has better capabilities than Arnold transform , Fibonacci transform and affine transform in resisting noise adding , JPEG compression and image cropping , it can be used to the pre-processing of digital watermarking and image encryption .

  13. 经处理后,钢管喷漆工段漆雾与噪声污染得到了有效的控制,达到降噪25dB(A)以上的工程效果,符合环境噪声标准要求。

    After disposal , contamination of paint mist and yawp at pipe spray paint section gained effective control , achieved project effect with drop yawp above 25 dB ( A ) and meet the requirements of environment yawp specification .

  14. 建筑工程施工噪声污染防治对策研究

    Study on Measures for Prevention of Noise Pollution in Construction Site

  15. 同时,还会在隧道出口形成噪声污染,在隧道口修筑缓冲结构是解决这一问题的有效措施。

    Building tunnel hood is efficient method for solving these problems .

  16. 茂名市环境噪声污染现状

    The Current Situation of Environmental Pollution of Noise in Maoming City

  17. 工业企业噪声污染现状及治理措施

    Current Status and Control Measure of Noise Pollution in Lndustrial Enterprises

  18. 居住区的交通噪声污染及防治

    Traffic Noise Pollution and Its Prevention and Control in Residential Areas

  19. 锅炉房边界噪声污染及其防治

    The prevention and control of boundary noise pollution of boiler house

  20. 浅谈矿山车辆噪声污染分析及控制措施

    Discusses of Mine Vehicles on Noise Pollution and Regulatory of Measures

  21. 锅炉烟尘污染及噪声污染的改进

    Improvement of Smoke & Dust and Noise Pollution of the Boiler

  22. 灰色系统理论与方法在城市环境噪声污染分析中的应用

    The Gray System Theory and Method Applied in Environment Noise Pollution Analysis

  23. 降低柴油发电机组噪声污染的研究

    Studies on Reduction of Noise Pollution from Diesel Generator Sets

  24. 控制噪声污染改善居住区环境质量

    Improve Environmental Quality of Residential Areas through Controlling Noise Pollution

  25. 公路交通噪声污染是城市噪声污染的重要组成部分。

    Road traffic noise pollution is the main noise pollution in cities .

  26. 德国的噪声污染防治现状及欧盟未来的噪声政策

    Noise abatement in Germany and EU 's future noise policy

  27. 论地下矿山噪声污染的危害与防治

    The Harm and Prevention of Noise Pollution of Underground Mine

  28. 大连市高架桥交通噪声污染防治对策

    Control Measure of Traffic Noise Pollution of Viaducts of the DALIAN City

  29. 逆流式冷却塔噪声污染防治

    The Preventive Treatment of Noise Pollution of Counter-current Cooling Tower

  30. 高架桥和立交桥的噪声污染与防治

    Study on Traffic Noise and Countermeasures of Viaducts and Overpasses