
  • 网络noise-induced deafness;Noise-induced Hearing Loss;noise deafness
  1. 试述《职业性噪声聋诊断标准》在实践应用中的几个新问题

    Several new issues on application of Diagnostic Criteria of Occupational Noise-induced Deafness

  2. 用畸变产物耳声发射测试法诊断职业性噪声聋的可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study about Professional Noise-induced Deafness Diagnosed with Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions

  3. 40Hz听觉诱发电位在职业性噪声聋客观听阈评估中的应用

    Application of 40 Hz auditory event-related potential for threshold estimation in noise-induced hearing loss

  4. 职业性噪声聋诊断标准的探讨

    Discussion on criteria for diagnosis of noise-induced hearing loss

  5. 职业噪声聋诊断及听力伤残度鉴定分级标准的探讨

    Explorations on the criteria of diagnostic classifications of noise induced deafness and hearing loss

  6. 尘肺、慢性中毒、职业性肿瘤和噪声聋为职业病诊断鉴定的主要争议病种。

    Pneumoconiosis , chronic occupational poisoning , occupational cancer and noise-induced deaf are the main diseases .

  7. 听力检测3种方法联合评价职业性噪声聋的效果无听力损失耳鸣患者听性脑干反应检测及意义

    Assessment of Occupational Noise-induced Hearing Loss with Three Methods Examination and significance of ABR in non-deafness tinnitus patients

  8. 职业病多为尘肺病,其次为噪声聋(包括中度和重度听力损伤),个别有焦炉工肺癌、职业性中毒等;

    The majority of occupational diseases were pneumoconiosis , followed by noise induced hearing loss and lung cancer among coke oven workers , and occupational poisonings .

  9. 2003~2005年合计发生职业病128例,其中尘肺65例,职业中毒40例,噪声聋5例,其他职业病18例。

    Total happened occupational disease 128 people among 2003-2005.In which , there were 65 pneumoconiosis , there were 40 Occupational poisoning cases , there were 5 noise deaf cases , there were 18 other occupational diseases .

  10. 从而提出不同程度的噪声聋的噪声接触剂量,为如何限制噪声作业工龄,防止噪声聋的发生提供科学依据。

    Then , in order to provide scientific evidence how to restrict the years of noise exposure to prevent the occurrence of noise induced deafness , we raised the dosage of noise exposure for the different degree of noise induced deafness .

  11. 常频DPOAE检查及扩展高频测听均可用于噪声性聋的早期诊断和监测。DPOAE的产生部位和机制尚需深入研究。

    The originated area and mechanism of DPOAE should be solved by further studies .

  12. 目的探讨Ca2+泵间接激活剂佛波酯(phorbol12myristate13acetate,PMA)对噪声性聋的保护作用。

    Objective To investigate the possible protective effect of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate ( PMA ), an activator of protein kinase C ( PKC ) and indirect activator of Ca 2 + pump , on noise-induced hearing loss ( NIHL ) .

  13. 对其中1只豚鼠的2个SOAE谱峰所产生的畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)进行分析。目的:了解畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)在监测噪声性聋方面的应用价值。

    Distortion product of otoacoustic emissions ( DPOAEs ) in 1 subject was studied . Objective : To understand the value of using distortion product of otoacoustic emissions ( DPOAE ) in monitoring noise induced hearing loss .

  14. 噪声性聋预防机制的最新研究

    The new investigation of the preventing of noise induced hearing loss

  15. 畸变产物耳声发射对噪声性聋早期发现的应用

    Application of DPOAE on early discovering of noise induced hearing loss

  16. 噪声性聋小鼠耳蜗螺旋神经节生长相关蛋白-43变化

    The changes of GAP-43 expression in spiral ganglion after exposed to noise

  17. 噪声性聋与钙离子的关系密切。

    Calcium ions are involved in noise induced hearing loss .

  18. 目的:探讨一氧化氮(NO)在噪声性聋发病中的作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of NO in noise-induced deafness .

  19. 普萘洛尔(心得安)对灰鼠噪声性聋的影响

    Effect of Propranolol on the Noise-induced Deafness in Chinchilla

  20. 褪黑素对噪声性聋的防护作用

    Preventive effects of melatonin on noise-induced hearing loss

  21. 创伤性乳糜胸不同的条件声暴露对豚鼠噪声性聋保护作用的影响

    TRAUMATIC CHYLOTHORAX Effect of different duration of conditioning exposure on hearing loss following noise trauma

  22. 用于毛细胞再生研究的噪声性聋动物模型的建立

    A Model of NIHL guinea pig for study of cochlear hair cell regeneration in mammalian

  23. 引起噪声性聋的原因很多,主要分为职业性和非职业性噪声暴露。

    There are many causes of NIHL . The most popular factor is occupational noise exposure .

  24. 强化铁营养对抗稳态噪声致聋作用的实验研究

    An experimental study of the effects of fortified iron nutrition on hearing loss induced by steady state white noise

  25. 噪声作业人员职业体验研究职业性噪声聋诊断标准的探讨

    A study on the diagnostic criterion of occupational noise induced deafness

  26. 众所周知,过多过强的噪声暴露常引起噪声性听力损失,继而导致噪声性聋(Noise-inducedhearingloss,NIHL)。

    Long term exposure to excessive noise will cause noise-induced hearing loss ( NIHL ) .