
  • 网络noise level;DANL
  1. NH-C12P能在保持时提供一次大的表演甚至在最高的RPM的与被包括风扇低的噪声电平。

    NH-C12P is able to offer a great performance while keeping the noise level low with the included fan even at the highest RPM .

  2. 而且噪声电平比其它振荡源要小。

    The noise level of this oscillator is even lower than that of other oscillators .

  3. 基于最小频带能量的变噪声电平语音增强

    Speech Enhancement Based on Minimum Band Energy in Variable Noise-level Environments

  4. GB/T17147-1997声音广播中音频噪声电平的测定

    Measurement of audio-frequency noise voltage level in sound broadcasting

  5. 背景辐射功率对星载激光高度计信噪比的影响研究载波的调频噪声电平

    Influence of background radiant power on the signal-to-noise ratio of space-borne laser altimeter

  6. 最后,本文对非相参视频积累器的实现进行了讨论,分析了双极点滤波器存在的初始化、拖尾和噪声电平问题,并提出了改进的方法。

    The initialization , tail and noise integrating problems are analyzed and improvements are given .

  7. 载波的调频噪声电平

    Frequency modulation noise level on carrier

  8. 减小A/D转换中非线性误差和噪声电平干扰的直接补偿法

    A Direct Compensation Method for Reducing Nonlinear Error and Noise Interference Level of A / D Converter

  9. 重点介绍为提高测量精度而采用内插扩展技术和为克服噪声电平过高而引起测量电路误触发而采用的外闸门技术。

    Put emphasis on technique for improving the measuring precision and external gate technique for preventing measuring errors .

  10. 在跳频通信系统中需要频谱纯度高、噪声电平低和具有快速跳频能力为频率合成器。

    A frequency Synthsizer wtih high spectrum purity , low noise level and fast hoppingcapability is necessary in frequency hopping communication system .

  11. 论述了分米波段天线背景噪声电平测量的重要作用、基本条件和要求。

    The paper discusses the importance of background-noise 's level of decimeter wave-band on antenna and its basical technical condition and request .

  12. 本文就高压架空送电线路设计中,按实际工程情况计算短波无线电收信台所需防护间距时,环境噪声电平取值问题进行了初步探讨。

    The level value for environmental noise when calculating the necessary protective space of shortwave wireless receiver in the design of high voltage trolly wire was discussed .

  13. 环境噪声电平是评价频率通道能否可用的关键指标,因而正确测量环境噪声具有十分重要的意义。

    Since the environmental noise level is the key index for evaluating the availability of frequency channels , it is very important to accurately measure the environmental noise .

  14. 测距仪采用自动噪声电平控制电路动态控制噪声脉冲的平均发生率,使系统获得稳定的平均噪声脉冲发生率;

    In this range finder , an automatic noise threshold control circuit is used to automatically control average noise pulse firing rate . Such that a constant average noise pulse firing rate is obtained .

  15. 介绍一种通过直接补偿法抑制A/D转换过程中非线性误差噪声电平的方法,当模拟信号中混入噪声时,该方法能够很好地抑制干扰信号,提高A/D转换结果的精确度。

    A direct compensation method for reducing noise interference level and nonlinear error of A / D converter is introduced in this paper . while signal combine with noise signal , the method can restrain interference signal to raise precision of A / D convert resulting .

  16. 声发射源与接收讯号传感器间的距离以及环境噪声的电平是选择频带的主要依据。

    The distance between the acoustic-emission source and the receiving transducer , and the background noise level are primary factors in selecting a particular frequency band .

  17. 鉴频器输出噪声与判决电平

    Discriminator Output Noise and Determining Level

  18. 最后,讨论了频谱仪本地噪声对低电平信号测量影响的修正方法。

    At last , correction method of low level signal measurement is discussed duo to effect of spectrum analyzer floor noise .

  19. 军用跳频通信系统为了提高抗干扰能力和达到高的通信性能,要求跳频频率合成器具有高的跳频速度、低的相位噪声和杂散电平,同时输出频率按照伪随机序列跳变。

    Military frequency hopping communication systems must have fast frequency hopping rate and lower phase noise and lower spurious frequency synthesizer for high performance against interference .

  20. 同时在理论上分析了噪声环境下电平通过率的估计偏移,提出了修正方法,使得通信系统在各种移动速度和信噪比下都具有较高的估计精度。

    Also some parameters relating to the Doppler shift are analyzed , and an improved estimation method to get the high estimation accuracy in all kinds of velocity and signal-to-noise ratio is raised .

  21. 分析回传通道设计的3项关键技术:控制汇聚噪声,实施电平均衡,防止回传通道过激励而发生信道阻塞。

    We gived the detailed analyses of the three key technologies of return path design : upstream influx noise control , implementation of level equalization and the preventing of the congestion of channels due to the over-excitation of return path .

  22. 在磁带录音技术中,噪声是一项重要的特性,噪声电平的高低,直接影响声音质量及其效果。

    Noise is an important technical performance . in tape recording techniques , the noise level will directly influence sound quality and effect .

  23. 该电路能够根据雷达探测距离的远近选择相对应的噪声信号接收频段,为后续的数据采集与处理提供噪声电平数据。

    This circuit takes advantage of PC to choose the monitoring frequency range in accordance with the detecting distance of radar and provides the signal source for the latter data acquisition and processing system .

  24. 对西安地电台周围环境噪声干扰进行了实验研究,结果表明,环境噪声的衰减是很快的,地电测区避开企事业单位200m,环境噪声电平即可衰减1个数量级。

    The results of comparative observation experiment at Xi'an geoelectric station show that the decay of ambient noise is very quick . If the distance of geoelectric measurement zone from the interference sources is 200 m , the noise level will be reduced by one order of magnitude .