
  • 网络Four Trees
  1. 在它的顶头有四棵树。

    Four trees were to be seen at its extremity .

  2. 我看到了四棵树。

    I see four trees .

  3. 四棵树河突发性洪水预测预报初探

    The Formation and Forecast of the Outburst Flood from Four & tree River

  4. 在它的顶头有四棵树。一年四季都可以植树呢。

    Four trees were to be seen at its extremity . They may be planted at any time of the year .

  5. 基于四棵树河吉勒德水文站资料,分析了河道输沙量各年代的变化特征。

    The paper analyzed change characteristic of sediment flow of the river course in every age using Sikeshu river Jilede hydrologic station material .

  6. 如果你在附近找不到四棵树,那么就用单独一个分叉树的一端作为“Y”型分叉的地步。

    If you can 't find four trees in close enough proximity , use a single forked tree at one end to form a " Y " - shaped base .

  7. 从该河流的自然地理条件分析入手,阐述了该河独特的冰洪特征,结合气温、地形等影响因素分析了四棵树河的冰洪成因。

    Starting with the analysis of its condition of physical geography , this paper elaborates the particular characteristics of the ice-flood , and analyzes the cause of formation of ice-flood combined with air temperature and terrain factors .

  8. E/K不整合面在四棵树凹陷地区输导性能良好,在霍-玛-吐背斜带可输导区域带状沿尖灭线展布,输导性能较弱。

    The unconformity of E / K was a good migration pathway in the Four-trees depression , but that was a little worse in Huo-Ma-Tu anticlinal zones , the area which could migrate hydrocarbon distributed along the pinchout line .

  9. 突然他看到四棵很大的树。

    Suddenly he sees four big trees .

  10. 四棵细瘦的树儿长着细细的脖颈和尖尖的肘骨,像我的一样。

    Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine .

  11. 他们每隔四米种一棵树。

    They planted trees every four meters .

  12. 四棵细瘦的树长着细细的脖颈和尖尖的肘骨,像我的一样。鼻尖畸形的研究及自体耳软骨在鼻尖整形中的应用

    Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine . Studying of the Nasal Tip Deformity and Reshaping the Nasal Tip with Autogenous Auricular Cartilage