
  • 网络Four wheel steering;Four-Wheel Steering;4WS
  1. 含非线性轮胎模型的汽车四轮转向与主动悬架集成控制

    Four Wheel Steering and Active Suspension Integrated Control Based on Nonlinear Tire Model

  2. 基于ADAMS的四轮转向车辆仿真研究

    The Research of Four Wheel Steering Vehicle Based on ADAMS Simulation

  3. 基于ARM处理器的汽车四轮转向H∞控制器的实现

    Realization of H-Infinity Controller in Four-Wheel Steering Vehicle Using ARM Processor

  4. ADAMS与PRO/E的结合在汽车四轮转向模式仿真中的应用

    Application of PRO / E and ADAMS in Four-wheel Steering Automobile Mode Simulation

  5. 基于DSP的四轮转向控制器应用研究,为进一步开发工程机械分布式控制系统奠定了基础。

    Through the applications studies of FWS Controller based on DSP , lay the foundation of distributed control system of construction machinery study .

  6. 四轮转向(Four-WheelSteering4WS)是指在车辆转向时,除了前轮转向外,后轮也参加转向。

    Apart from front-wheel steering , rear-wheel steering steering also attend , it is called Four-wheel steering .

  7. 最后,基于重构的车辆状态,运用最优控制理论设计了四轮转向车辆随动操纵控制器,实现了所谓的线传操纵(Steerbywire)。

    Finally , the optimal control theory is used to design the vehicle follow up handling controller based on state estimator , and the steer by wire system is built .

  8. 汽车四轮转向(4WS)技术及其发展前景

    Techniques and Prospects of Four - wheel Steering

  9. 车辆的转向性能是车轮性能的重要方面,而四轮转向是提高车辆主动安全的重要手段之一,对车辆4WS研究具有极其重要的意义。

    The steering characteristics of vehicles are important aspects that can improve the active safe .

  10. 四轮转向(4WS)是汽车的发展趋势之一。

    Wheel steering ( 4WS ) is one of the developmental tendencies of the automobile industry .

  11. 仿真结果表明,Hybrid控制实现了四轮转向系统(4WS)的低速灵活性与高速稳定性,具有良好的控制效果。

    Computer simulation showed that the flexibility at low speed and the stability at high speed were carried out by hybrid control , and that the controller had a satisfactory control effect .

  12. 四轮转向(FourWheelSteering,简称4WS)的基本原理是,利用车辆行驶中的某些信息来控制后轮的转角输入,以提高车辆的操纵性和稳定性。

    The basic principle of Four-wheel steering ( Four Wheel Steering , referred to 4WS ) is to use some traffic information to control the input of the rear corner , in order to improve the vehicles ' maneuverability and stability .

  13. 本文介绍了4WS汽车的基本原理及其优点,分析了汽车四轮转向控制方法的研究状况和发展趋势。

    First , work principle and merit of4WS system are summarized , and control strategies and development trends of4WS system are described .

  14. 四轮转向(4WS)技术是改善汽车操纵稳定性及提高行驶安全性的最常用的、有效的主动底盘控制技术。

    The four-wheel steering ( 4WS ) system is an effective active control technology for improving maneuverability and safety of vehicle in common use .

  15. 本文基于横摆率跟踪控制理论,设计了具有良好经济性和可靠性的四轮转向(Four-WheelSteering,简称4WS)汽车控制系统,进行了汽车操纵稳定性的仿真和分析。

    Based on the theory of yaw-rate tracking control , a system of four-wheel steering ( 4WS ) is designed for motor vehicle at high-speed with the advantages of economy and reliability . The handling and stability of vehicle is also simulated and analyzed .

  16. 在此基础上,对四轮转向样车进行了前后轮转角成比例控制的四轮转向车辆(4WS)的运动学仿真,并针对仿真结果进行了系统的分析。

    The locomotion simulations were processed according to the parameters of the four wheel steering model vehicle in my lab whose control strategy is proportional control . The systemic analysis was done on the base of the results of simulation .

  17. 工程机械四轮转向控制系统研究

    Research on 4 - wheel Steering Control System of Construction Machinery

  18. 控制器参数对四轮转向和汽车稳定性控制的影响

    Effect of Controller Parameters on Four-wheel Steering and Vehicle Stability Control

  19. 汽车四轮转向模式及智能控制技术

    Four & wheel Steering Behavior and Intelligence Control Technology of Automobile

  20. 汽车四轮转向系统中少齿差行星齿轮传动的分析

    Analysis on Few-teeth-different Epicyclic Gears in Car 's 4-wheel Turning System

  21. 基于神经网络的汽车四轮转向控制系统研究

    Base on Neural Network Research Control System of Vehicle Four-Wheel Steering

  22. 路面激励下主动悬架和四轮转向的协调控制

    Coordinated control of active suspension and four-wheel steering with road disturbance

  23. 基于模糊选择器的四轮转向多模式控制方法研究

    Based on Fuzzy Selector of Multi-Mode Control on Four Wheel Steering

  24. 四轮转向车辆控制及其硬件在环仿真开发平台

    Control of four-wheel steer vehicle maneuver and developing platform of hardware-in-loop-simulation

  25. 接着介绍了现有的四轮转向系统。

    And several four-wheel steering systems still in use are described .

  26. 全方位线控四轮转向电动汽车设计

    Design of an omnidirectional wire controlled four wheels steering electric car

  27. 不同摩擦系数路面上四轮转向汽车的动态模拟

    Dynamic Simulation of Four-wheel Vehicle on Pavements with Different Friction Coefficients

  28. 电子控制四轮转向系统工作原理及发展

    The Development and Working Principle of Electric Controlling Four Wheel Steering

  29. 四轮转向汽车的动力学分析及其鲁棒控制研究

    Research on Dynamics and Robust Control of Four-wheel Steering Vehicle

  30. 汽车四轮转向系统的结构与原理分析

    Analyzing the configuration and principle of auto four-wheeled steering system