
  • 网络Triple Bridge;The three bridges
  1. 在新型的三桥臂和四桥臂开关功放仿真模型的基础上,研制了基于DSP的两种原理样机。

    Prototypes of 3-leg and 4-leg switching power amplifiers controlled by DSP are constructed based on emulation models .

  2. 基于PPP视角的城市公共基础设施投融资模式选择&兼论南京三桥的投融资模式

    The Selection of Urban Infrastructure Financing Modes Based on the Public Private Partnership

  3. 针对两相感应电动机变频调速三桥臂逆变器,提出了一种新型SPWM控制技术。

    The paper proposes a novel SPWM control strategy based on the three leg inverter for frequency control of two phase induction motor .

  4. PWM控制是逆变器中应用最广的一种方法,本文对PWM调制技术进行了介绍,分析了三桥臂三相逆变器和四桥臂三相逆变器的调制信号的特点;

    The pulse-width modulation ( PWM ) is introduced since it is the most widely used method . The characteristics of the modulation signals in three-leg three-phase inverter and four-leg three-phase inverter are analyzed .

  5. 三桥臂开关功放采用电压空间矢量控制(SVPWM),文中详细介绍了SVPWM在功放中的工作原理,对三种不同的SVPWM生成方式进行了分析和比较。

    In this paper , three-leg switching power amplifier is controlled by SVPWM . The principle of SVPWM is discussed in detail and three kinds of switching pattern of SVPWM are analyzed and compared .

  6. 克拉齐娜说,在学校的时候,梅拉尼娅没有跟那些听TheCure和Metallica乐队的同龄人玩在一起,而是受到一小群流行乐爱好者的吸引,混在卢布尔雅那三桥旁边的马尾酒吧(Horse’sTail)里。

    At school , Melania kept her distance from peers listening to the Cure or Metallica , Kracina said , and gravitated toward a clique of pop music fans who hung out at the Horse 's Tail bar by the Triple Bridge in Ljubljana .

  7. 乌江三桥位于重庆市彭水县乌江上,采用主跨为140m的钢筋混凝土等截面悬链线无铰箱形拱,是国内同类桥梁跨径较大者。

    The third WuJiang River Bridge located across the WuJiang River in Chongqing Pengshui County , and used reinforced concrete constant section catenary ecardinal box arch with the main span of 140m . It ranged in the larger span among the domestic similar bridges .

  8. 简要对重庆武隆乌江三桥170m预应力混凝土连续刚构结构尺寸的选择、设计进行了介绍,阐述了该桥设计的一些特点及笔者的体会。

    This paper briefly introduces the selection of dimensions and design of the 170m long prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame structure of Chongqing Wulong No. 3 Wu River Bridge . The design characteristics and the writer 's understanding of the bridge are also given .

  9. 钱江二桥、钱江三桥在此接壤;

    Qianjiang Bridge , Qianjiang Third Bridge in this border ;

  10. 内江市沱江三桥方案设计特点

    Features of the Design Scheme of the Third Tuojiang Bridge in Neijiang

  11. 泸州市沱江三桥桥型方案选择

    Selection of Bridge Type Options of No.3 TuoJiang Bridge in Luzhou City

  12. 南京长江三桥初步设计方案施工阶段稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Preliminary Schemes of Nanjing No.3 Bridge in Construction Stage

  13. 混合砂混凝土在涪江三桥的研究和应用

    The research and application of mixed sand concrete in the third Peijiang Bridge

  14. 泸州长江公路三桥通航论证

    Navigation analysis of Luzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge No.3

  15. 郑州黄河公路三桥主要工程地质问题分析

    Analysis on major engineering geology problems of huanghe highway third bridge in Zhengzhou

  16. 瑞安飞云江三桥主塔桩基施工

    Construction of main tower foundation of No.3 bridge over Feiyun River in Rui'an

  17. 南岸三桥主桥箱梁悬浇工艺简介

    A Brief Introduction on Suspended Pouring Craft of Box Beam of Nan'an San Bridge

  18. 内江市沱江三桥是一座位于市区中心的城市桥,建成后将成为内江市的标志性建筑,开发其景观价值和商业价值是十分重要的。

    The Third Tuojiang Bridge is an urban bridge in the center of Neijiang .

  19. 三相四线制三电平三桥臂有源滤波器中点平衡控制策略

    A Research on Neutral-point Potential Balancing Control Strategy for Three-phase Four-wire Tri-level Three-leg APFs

  20. 南京长江三桥钢混结合区置于索塔下横梁顶面。

    Design and Fabrication of the Tower Column of Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge ;

  21. 益阳资江三桥桥梁建设与桥区航道的综合规划方法

    Synthetically Planning Method of Bridge and Channel Construction

  22. 南京长江三桥深水基础钢套箱施工

    The Base Construction by Steel Cofferdam in Deep Water of Nanjing No. 3 River Bridge

  23. 南京三桥钢塔柱顶端节段的制作与安装技术

    Manufacture and erection technology for the steel tower top segment of the third Nanjing Bridge

  24. 武汉市江汉三桥主桥钢管拱桁架节段吊装

    Lifting of Steel Pipe Arch Truss Segment of Main Bridge of Wuhan Jianghan No.3 Bridge

  25. 全路面汽车起重机三桥转向摇臂机构优化设计

    Optimum design of rocker arm mechanism in all terrain mobile crane with three steering axles

  26. 全站仪在遂宁涪江三桥施工测量中的应用

    Electronic Total Station 's Application in Measuring Construction of 3rd Bridge between Suining and Fujiang

  27. 桂江三桥钢管拱竖转设计与施工技术

    Design and construction techniques of vertical turning of steel tube arch for Guijiang River No.3 Bridge

  28. 芜湖长江大桥正桥施工监控测试与评估派河三桥施工监控仿真分析

    Construction , Supervision , Test and Assessment of the Main Bridge of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

  29. 南京长江三桥导向船强度分析

    Strength Analysis of a Combined Large Barge for Building No.3 Bridge over Yangtze River in Nanjing

  30. 南京长江三桥钢索塔施工线形控制技术

    Control Technique of Linear Form in the Steel Pylon of Nanjing Third Yangzi River Bridge Construction