
huí piàn
  • thank-you card
  1. 寄回明信片说“我在周游世界”

    And sent postcards saying " I 'm seeing the world "

  2. 但我们还不能为现在的人撰写传记,有时人们会给我们写信,问怎么样才能纳入传记中,我们就寄回明信片,上面写着,活人无资格。

    But you can 't yet be in it yet , because when people write to us and ask how they get in the book , we sent back a postcard saying : drop dead .

  3. 尽管莫斯科与北京关于边界问题已经在官方层面上通过法律条文完全解决了,但是俄罗斯一直有人在担心中国会在不远的将来会重新索要回这片土地。

    Despite the fact that , at the official level , the border issue between Moscow and Beijing is fully settled by legal treaties , there are lingering concerns in Russia that China might in the future reclaim the land .

  4. 她飞了,白天又带我回漆黑一片。

    I wak 'd , she fled , and day brought back my night .

  5. 试验研究了八片全尺寸墙片在静力反复加载下的滞回特性。墙片高宽比在0.8左右。

    The hysteretic characteristic under static-cyclic loading behavior of reinforcement concrete shear walls is investigated by testing eight full-size specimens of shear ratio equal to about 0.8 .