
xìn mén
  • fontanel
囟门 [xìn mén]
  • [fontanel] 又叫顶门,婴儿头顶前部中间骨头未合缝的地方

  • 此即汝母,汝从囱门入。--《初刻拍案惊奇》

  1. 婴儿前囟门皮样囊肿

    Dermoid cyst of the anterior fontanelle in infants

  2. 结论前囟门皮样囊肿是良性先天性发育异常疾病,诊断明确后手术治疗效果好。

    Conclusions Dermoid cyst of anterior fontanelle is a congenital benign disease with satisfactory surgical outcome .

  3. 目的探讨少见的婴儿前囟门皮样囊肿的诊断和治疗。

    Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of dermoid cyst of the anterior fontanelle in infants .

  4. 维生素D对前囟门偏小儿童头颅生长影响的探讨

    Probe Into the Influence of Vitamin D on the Skull Growth of Infants With Small Anterior Fontanel

  5. 异常组女性的囟门膨突的构成比高于男性;

    The proportion of bulging fontanel in female patients with abnormal CSF was higher than in male patients .

  6. 方法:观察婴儿期颅内出血患儿的神志、瞳孔、意识、囟门的变化,总结合理应用药物治疗及惊厥的护理体会。

    Method Were the change of sense , pupi , sensation and fontanelles in infant intracranial hemorrhage were observed , therapy and nursing convulsion were made .

  7. 结果:行积液&腹腔分流术16例,钻孔外引流6例,囟门穿刺闭式外引流3例,囟门穿刺抽液2例。

    Results : Operation respectively with fluid-peritoneal cavity shunts 16 cases , bores hole drainage 6 cases , fontanel drainage 3 and puncture in 4.Twenty-five cases gets recover entirely and 2 cases abandon cure .

  8. 方法总结6年中经手术后病理证实的婴儿前囟门皮样囊肿12例,男7例,女5例,年龄2个月~2岁,小于1岁9例。

    Methods From 1995 to 2001 , 12 cases ( 7 boys and 5 girls ) with dermoid cysts were diagnosed pathologically after operation . The age ranged from 2 months to 2 years with 9 cases less than one year of age .
