
  1. 加速固定资产折旧增加企业现金流量

    Speeding Fixed Assets Depreciation Increasing Enterprise Cash Flow

  2. 随着产能的提高与固定资产的增加,企业生产所需的备件消耗以及库存占用也急剧增加。

    Along with the exaltation of the productivity and the increment of the fixed assets , the spare part consumption and the stock also increased sharply .

  3. 本研究结果表明医疗费用增长的主要影响因素是:居民医疗服务、尤其是住院医疗服务需求量增加,医院固定资产投入增加,药品费用不合理增长,医疗服务价格的调整。

    Conclusion : Residents ' medical service , especially the increase of hospitalization medical demand , the increase of fixed asset input , unreasonable growth of drug expenses , the adjustment of medical service price are the main factors that influence the growth of medical expenses .

  4. 当黑龙江省的固定资产投资每增加1%,则黑龙江省的GDP相应增加1.8%,固定资产投资对黑龙江省经济增长的贡献是消费对黑龙江省经济增长贡献的两倍还多。

    Every 1 % growth of investment in fixed assets is accompanied by 1.8 % increase in its GDP . The contribution made by investment in fixed assets is two fold of consumption to the economic growth of Heilongjiang Province .

  5. 分析结果表明,无论在短期还是长期,快速的经济增长、不断扩大的进出口贸易、固定资产投资的增加以及具有比较优势的劳动力成本,是江西省吸引FDI的重要经济影响因素。

    The paper concludes that both in the long term and short term , the economics influencing factors of FDI in Jiang-xi province are rapid economic growth , increasing ex-import , increasing social fixed assets , and comparative advantage of labor cost .

  6. 随着近年来世界范围内固定资产投资的增加,中国水泥工程建设企业迎来了良好的发展机会。

    In recent years , as the investment of capital asserts is widely increasing in the word , the Chinese Cement Engineering Construct Enterprises ( CCECE ) meet a very good opportunity for development .

  7. 我国现处于经济高速发展时期,经济水平的提高很大程度上依赖于固定资产投资的增加,其中政府投资项目占有很大比例。

    Economics of China is developing rapidly now , to a large extent , the development of the economy dependent on an increase in investment in fixed assets , Which account for a large proportion of government investment projects .

  8. 在信息化时代,随着质监事业的迅猛发展,质监部门的固定资产数量大幅增加,固定资产管理要求不断提高,管理难度不断增大,如何管理好固定资产显得越来越重要。

    With the cause of the rapid development of quality supervision , quality supervision department of the number of fixed assets , a substantial increase in management requirements continue to improve , increasing difficult to manage , how to manage the fixed assets has become increasingly important .

  9. GDP、固定资产投资和工业增加值等经济指标能够较好的反应货币结构指标的变动,对货币结构提供较好的预测。

    GDP , fixed assets investment and the industrial added value can be good indicators and predictions for fluctuations of monetary structure .

  10. 中西部地区固定资产投资、工业增加值、社会消费品零售总额增长,都明显高于全国平均水平。

    The fixed assets investment , industrial added value and total retail sales of consumer goods in central and western China are growing at a markedly higher pace than the national average .