
ɡuó jiā wài ɡuó zhuān jiā jú
  • State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs;State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs
  1. 国家外国专家局称,去年约有55万名外国人在中国工作。

    About 550 , 000 foreigners were working in China last year , the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs says .

  2. 国家外国专家局根据开辟高层次渠道、加强高层次培训的要求,加强了对境外培训机构的管理。

    The SAFEA has reinforced its management of overseas training institutions , following the guideline of opening up high-level channels for training senior professionals .

  3. 是的,是由中国国际广播电台、中国人民对外友好协会、国家外国专家局共同举办的。

    Yes , it is co-sponsored by the China Radio International , China People 's Friendship Association and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs .

  4. 云南,2002年又被国家外国专家局确定为“美国薄壳山核桃种植示范推广基地”。

    Yunnan was specified by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs as the Planting basis for the demonstration and extension of American pecan in2002 .

  5. 《外国专家证明书》由国家外国专家局及各省、自治区、直辖市,计划单列市人民政府外事办公室签发。

    This certificate is issued by the State Administration of foreign experts affairs , and by offices of foreign affairs in provinces , regions and cities .

  6. 经国家外国专家局批准的境外专家组织或人才中介机构常驻我省代表机构的外国籍代表;

    Foreign representatives assigned to Jiangsu Province by overseas experts organizations or talent agencies which have been awarded permission by the State Administration for Foreign Experts Affairs ;

  7. 国家外国专家局将发布一系列指导意见,旨在确保学校和教育培训机构不聘用无资质的外籍人员。

    The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs is set to release a raft of guidelines designed to ensure that unqualified foreigners are not employed in schools and educational establishments .

  8. 若协商调解无效,可向国家外国专家局设立的外国文教专家事务仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    If all attempts fail , the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign experts affairs in the State Administration of foreign experts affairs and ask for a final arbitration .

  9. 国家外国专家局外国专家咨询委员会委员阿利斯泰尔·米基说,他也认为北京市政府应当改进宣传城市形象的方式,改善与外国移民、游客交流与沟通的方法。

    Alistair Michie , adviser of the Foreign Experts Advisory Committee under the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs , said he agrees that the Beijing municipal government should improve the ways it boosts the city 's image and communicates with the city 's foreign residents and visitors 。