- 名dignity of state

The state is higher than the dignity of all !
Salute to the overseas compatriots who are fighting for China 's dignity !
Chinese diplomats were always highly intelligent and professional , but extremely concerned to preserve the dignity of their country .
The mental compensation system should be established in administrative violation lawsuits to protect country 's dignity and civil 's rights .
purified of the errant humors of party and of private interest , and shall stand forth in the days to come with a new dignity of national pride and spirit .
The scores of six dimensions ' dignity from high to low are as follows : National dignity , interpersonal dignity , professional dignity , life dignity , system dignity , self-dignity . 4 .
To analysis of the factors of second generation peasant workers ' dignity gets six factors : Professional dignity , institutional dignity , self-dignity , human dignity , national dignity and life dignity . 3 .
According to the Xinhua news agency , the first places to be renamed will be any that " damage national dignity " or conflict with core socialist values , as well as those which have attracted the most public complaints .
The dinosaur 's skull represents the esteem of our country .
And there are those who gnaw away at our national self-respect .
He died defending the honour of his nation .
They fight for the honor of their country .
However , we must miss and thank for the soldiers who died in wars for protecting our nation and dignity .
The high standard judicial ethics of judges is very important to ensure judicial impartiality and to protect the authority and dignity of the Judiciary .
It has the potential under peace time conditons to be what former Minister of the Interior , of the Economy , excuese me , said that a self-supporting dignifies poor country .
Illegally obtained evidence from these two aspects of " crimes against personal law of faith " and " harm the national respect for the law to show the nature of evil " .
One of Japan 's most popular books in years , The Dignity of a Nation , even suggested Japan should stop teaching its children English and withdraw from the world trade system altogether .
It has also entered into national legislation and policy formulation in relation to health care in many European countries .
This existing phenomenon impairs the dignity of criminal procedure law as a basic law of a country .
On the other hand , the23 countries are very important to us as a source of dignity .
Lin Zexu defended national dignity by confiscating and burning opium imported into China by English and American businessmen .
It sounds unbelievable today to think that the US media would actually protect the president 's honour for national interests .
No matter how many medals Phelps wins , Liu means more to China because he stands for the pride of a nation .
For in that body rests the best hope of our age for the assertion of that law by which all nations may live in dignity .
and either perpetuating a state of disgraceful suffering or regaining by more costly sacrifices , and more severe struggles our lost rank and respect among independent powers .
It is of great significance for translators to possess correct nation and people identity in translation , particularly in publicity translation .
This kind of behavior has severely lavished the very , very limited litigation resources in our country . It has also treaded on the dignity of the law in our country .
The second point is the basic principle of the opening up , which emphasizes the study of the good points of all nations and countries so as to protect national sovereignty and national dignity and to do everything from reality , etc.