
ɡuó jiā ɡōnɡ zuò rén yuán
  • state functionaries;state personnel
  1. 第十二条国家工作人员和现役军人,不得退出中国国籍。

    Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality .

  2. 本文通过四章来探讨国家工作人员的概念,试图寻找到更好的解决方案。

    This paper explores the concept of state functionaries through four chapters , trying to find a better solution .

  3. 国有控股、参股公司国家工作人员的司法认定

    Judicial Recognition of State Functionaries in State-controlled Company and State-participated Company

  4. 拒绝、阻碍国家工作人员依法执行职务;

    Refusing or interfering with state functionaries'performance of duties ; or .

  5. 国家工作人员也可能成为本罪的犯罪主体。

    National staff may also become the subject of the crime .

  6. 第二章是国家工作人员的基本类型。

    Chapter two is a basic type of national staff members .

  7. 采用对比分析法,主要论述受贿罪与非国家工作人员受贿罪的区别。

    Using comparative analysis , discusses the bribery crime and bribery difference .

  8. 非国家工作人员受贿罪为公司、企业人员受贿罪修改而来。

    Non-national personnel for taking bribes , bribery crime modification .

  9. 分析与评价:非国家工作人员受贿罪

    Analysis and Evaluation of the Bribery Crime of Non-official Servant

  10. 非国家工作人员受贿罪若干问题研究

    A Number of Exploration of the Non-governmental Staff Bribery Crime

  11. 国家工作人员职务犯罪主体探析

    An analysis on the subject of duty crime of officials of the nation

  12. 准国家工作人员范围界定之研究

    Blood Work On the Circumscription of the Quasi Functionaries Serving in Governmental Offices

  13. 非国家工作人员可以构成共同受贿罪的共犯。2、国家工作人员能否构成的共同受贿罪共同实行犯的问题在刑法理论上存在肯定说、否定说和折衷说的观点。

    2 , nonstate functionaries can be joint practicer of joint acceptance of bribes .

  14. 对于国家工作人员的应有范畴,从来就没有停止过争论。

    The dispute about the category of the national staff members has never stopped .

  15. 国家工作人员申请因私出国需要哪些材料?

    " National staff member " application because illicit need going abroad what material ?

  16. 国家工作人员范围之界定

    Defining the Scope of " State Personnel "

  17. 第一章是国家工作人员的立法沿革及界定。

    Chapter one is the legislative evolution and the definition of national staff members .

  18. 中国国务院最近任免一批国家工作人员。

    China 's State Council recently appointed and dismissed a number of national staff .

  19. 也论国家工作人员范围的界定

    On the Definition of National Staff Members

  20. 国家工作人员是刑法中的一个重要概念。

    The Public Servant of the State is a very important concept in Criminal Law .

  21. 本文拟对有关国家工作人员的一系列问题进行系统深入的研究。

    This text drafts the research on a series of problems of national staff members .

  22. 市场经济的负面效应使国家工作人员产生不良心理倾向;

    Unhealthy psychological trends of state personnel caused by the negative effect of market economy ;

  23. 论国家工作人员的范围

    On the Extent of State Staff Member

  24. 贵阳市国家工作人员职务犯罪的预防和控制对策

    The Anticrime and the Way to Deal with Professional Crime in Government Functionary in Guiyang

  25. 然而在理论与实践中,却对国家工作人员概念的内涵和外延存在不同的认识。

    There exist different opinions about the intension and extension of the concept of state functionary .

  26. 对国家工作人员的界定标准,应以《刑法》第九十三条为依据。

    To the country staff defined standards , should be in " criminal law " ninety-third basis .

  27. 腐败是我国国家工作人员在行使行政权的过程中使行政权力异化的极端表现形式。

    Corruption is the extreme manifestation of alienation of administrative power on the part of Chinese civil service .

  28. 国家工作人员犯本决定规定之罪的,从重处罚。

    Any State functionary who commits any crime prescribed in this Decision shall be given a heavier punishment .

  29. 三是受贿罪主体,受贿罪主体是国家工作人员,其本质特征是依法从事公务的人员。

    The subject of the bribery guilt which is the government worker whose essential features are carrying out public affairs .

  30. “从事公务”是国家工作人员的本质特征,是界定国家工作人员范围的基本依据。

    Performing public duty is an inherent characteristic of state personnel and an essential criterion in defining a civil servant .