
  • 网络unified state examination
  1. 俄罗斯国家统一考试影响的社会学思考

    On the Influences of the Unified State Examination in Russia from the Perspective of Sociology

  2. 俄罗斯国家统一考试制度述评

    Commentary on the System of National Uniform Examination in Russia

  3. 第二章俄罗斯国家统一考试制度。

    Part two , National examination system in Russia .

  4. 第四章俄罗斯国家统一考试制度的意义解析。

    Part four , Analyzes the meaning of national examination system in Russia .

  5. 俄罗斯国家统一考试透析

    An Analysis of National Standardized Examination in Russia

  6. 俄罗斯推行国家统一考试构建国家教育标准的高考制度改革述评

    Review of the Reform in Russia Aimed at Practicing National United Examination and Construction of a Unified National Education Standard

  7. 目前,整合中文进入国家统一考试的计划已经在俄罗斯多个地区和多所学校进行了多项测试。

    The current plan for the integrating of Chinese language into state exams has been undergoing various tests in multiple regions and schools in Russia .

  8. 国家统一考试(全国统考)是由俄罗斯联邦教育部为公共教育机构11或12年级的学生组织的完全中等教育阶段的毕业考试和升入高等学校的入学考试。

    Examination of national unity ( national examination ) by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education is graduation examination and entrance examination of eleventh-grade or twelfth-grade students in public educational institutions .

  9. 文章在对俄罗斯普通教育高年级专业化课程的涵义、类别、组织、实施及其与国家统一考试的关系等问题加以介绍的基础上,结合范例,对这一课程进行了具体剖析。

    Based on the introduction to the implication , the classification , the implementation and the relationship with the examination organized by the state , the author analyzes the specialized curriculum in combination with some examples .

  10. 这项新制度与俄当前推行的国家统一考试制度相挂钩,即根据学生参加全国统考的考试成绩,分等级向每个大学生提供年度财政担保。

    This new system is linked to the implementation of Russian National Unified examination system , that is , students participate in the national examination and the federal states provide financial security for students in accordance with their examination results .

  11. 俄罗斯国家统一考试是高中毕业生接受更高教育所必须要参加的一系列考试,而外语目前是其中一项选修科目,可选择的包括英语、法语、德语和西班牙语。

    Unified State Exam of Russia is a series of exams high school graduates to take for higher education and foreign language is currently an elective subject , with an available choice of English , French , German , and Spanish .

  12. 据报道,俄罗斯计划在2018年把中文整合进9年级学生的期末考试之中,2020年时将中文纳入11年级学生大学入学的国家统一考试之中。

    As reported , it is planned to integrate Chinese in the final exam of the 9th grade in 2018 , and to include it into the Unified State Exam for the 11th grade students to pass for entering university by 2020 .

  13. 第二部分分别从国家统一考试的理念及实施目的,相关法律保障、行政领导及财政支持,内容和形式,进展情况,评价及实施效果分析五个方面详细介绍了俄罗斯国家统一考试的实施状况。

    The second part detailed status in implementation of the national examination in Russia in the concept and the purpose of national examination , the relevant legal Protection , administrative leadership and financial support , content and form , progressing status , evaluation and effect of the implementation .

  14. 一则报道称,俄罗斯联邦教育和科学监督局(该部门是一个监督俄罗斯教育和科学的联邦机构)的主任表示,在2020年,中文将会作为一门外语纳入俄罗斯国家统一考试体系之中。

    Chinese language will be included in the Russian Unified State Exam by 2020 as a foreign language subject , said the director of the Federal Service for the Supervision of Education and Science ( Rosobrnadzor ) , a federal executive body overseeing education and science of Russia , according to a report .

  15. 中国加入WTO和国家统一司法考试制度的确立,对中国法学教育发展的影响是深远的。

    It has exerted a profound effect in the development of China 's law education with China 's WTO entry and the national unified judicial examination system .

  16. 国家统一司法考试是一种法律职业化的资格性考试,它对我国高校法学教育提出新的促进要求;

    The National Unitive Judiciary Test is the qualification test of legal professions .

  17. 国家统一司法考试应解决的问题刍议

    State-sponsored unified juridical test : Problems to be solved

  18. 国家统一司法考试制度的确立对我国司法的发展意义极大。

    The Institution of the General Judicial Qualification Examination ( IGJQE ) is of great significance to our Chinese jurisdiction .

  19. 国家统一司法考试对司法公正的深远意义决定了人们对它的关注程度。

    Owing to its far-reaching significance for judicial justice , state-sponsored unified juridical test has arrested considerable attention from the public .

  20. 刍议国家统一司法考试与检法机关用人制度的衔接

    Informal Discussion on the Connection between National Judicial Examination and the Personnel System of the Prosecution , the Court and other Judicial Organs

  21. 以国家统一司法考试制度的确立为契机,中国高等法律教育应明确地定位于职业教育。

    With the establishment of the unified jurisdiction examination system , the higher education of law in China should be set in the field of professional education .

  22. 国家统一司法考试制度是指国家通过立法的方式确立的司法考试资格、司法考试科目和内容、司法考试方式和组织机构及管理的一项国家司法制度。

    Such a system means that the state will define the status , subjects , scope , method , organization and management for this sort of test by means of legislation .

  23. 国家统一司法考试制度作为法律规定的我国准入法律职业新的统一标准,作为保障我国司法公平公正的一项基础性制度,是国家司法制度的重要内容和基础环节。

    The national judicial examination system , a new standard qualification for judicial profession required by law and a basic system to ensure the impartiality and justice of judicature , is an important content and a basic link of justice system .

  24. 第二部分:通过对国外检察官素质制度相关规定的对比研究,阐述了改革选任制度的必要性和实行国家统一司法考试,实行检察官任职资格一体化的合理性。

    Part II : Through the comparative study of the relevant prescription in the quality system of prosecutor in other countries , the author illustrates the necessity of reforming the appointment system and the rationality of integration of accredit quality of prosecutor .

  25. 网络教育学院可以通过国家统一的考试来录取学生,也可自行组织考试录取学生,招生形式和入学标准由试点高校自行规定。

    The exam that network education institute can unite through the country will admit a student , also can organize an exam to admit a student by oneself , standard of recruit students form and enter a school is set by pilot college proper motion .

  26. 略论国家统一的司法考试制度与高等法学教育

    Discussion on Uniform National Judicial Examination and Higher Learning of Law

  27. 高等法学教育必须积极应对国家统一的司法考试制度。

    The education of law must adjust to be in accord with the test .

  28. 国家统一的司法考试制度的出台与施行,对我国高等法学教育提出了新的课题。

    The emergency and implementation of uniform national judicial examination challenge the higher learning of law with new problems .

  29. 美国没有国家统一的大学入学考试,由大学委员会(CollegeBoard)委托民间考试服务机构ETS(EducationTestService)编制的SAT考试被多数大学作为比较不同地区、不同高中、不同评分制度的标准。

    Since there is no uniform entrance examination in the U.S * College Board entrust civilian test institution Education Test Service to design SAT as standard to compare students from different area , senior middle school , evaluation system .

  30. 关于高职教育与国家统一职业技术资格考试接轨的思考

    On Connection of Higher Vocational Education and National Vocational Technology Qualification Test