
  • 网络International business management;international enterprise management;international management
  1. 供应链管理是当前国际企业管理的重要发展方向,而库存管理是供应链管理的重点。

    Supply chain management is an important development direction of current international business management and inventory management is emphases of supply chain management .

  2. 除了专科已学过的管理课程外,国际财务金融及电子E化的相关课程将我的思维引导至国际企业管理。

    Apart from business management I learned in college , the programs related to international finance and E-commerce upgraded my knowledge to international business management .

  3. 国际企业管理模式比较及启示

    Comparisons of International Enterprise Management Models And Enlightenments

  4. 国际企业管理在世纪之交的新发展

    The new international development trends of enterprise management

  5. 国际企业管理和道德杂志研究了600名董事,调查了他们在决策和其它企业问题上的处理方法。

    The study for the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics surveyed 600 board directors about their approach to decision making and other corporate issues .

  6. 培育企业竞争优势、提高核心竞争力的问题,实际上就是企业价值链的管理问题,价值链管理是当前国际企业管理的重要方向,但却是我国大多房地产企业管理中最薄弱的环节。

    The issue of competitive advantage is as well as the issue of value chain management which is a leading orientation in advanced management but the weakness in Chinese enterprise management .

  7. 本周发表在《国际企业管理和道德期刊》上的这一研究还发现,男董事更喜欢运用法规和传统经商方法来做出决策。

    The study , published this week in the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics , also found that male directors prefer to make decisions using rules , regulations and traditional ways of doing business .

  8. 国际煤炭企业管理模式与煤矿安全生产知识培训。

    The international coal business enterprise manages the mode and the coal mine safeties to produce the knowledge training .

  9. 因而,顾客价值理论成为当今国际上企业管理理论研究和实践的一个热点。

    Therefore , the customer value also has become a hotspot on the international business management fundamental research and the practice application .

  10. 你个人的学习目标和期望是什么?你想将来成为一个国际企业的管理者吗?

    What are your personal learning goals ? Would you like to be a manager at international companies in the near future ?

  11. 根据软件工程学原理并结合开发实践,分析了在国际航运企业管理信息系统的开发过程中应考虑的开发策略、企业流程再造、系统规划、开发方法、系统集成等问题;

    According to the software engineering principle and developing practice , this paper discusses the problems that should be taken into consideration during the development , such as development tactics , business process redesign , system planning , development approach , system integrating , etc.

  12. 其次,研究汲取激励理论的精华以及国际企业薪酬管理的成熟经验,把脉薪酬管理历史沿革和未来走势,剖析内部深层矛盾,索定问题焦点;

    Secondly , study the quintessence of drawing the motivational theory and ripe experience of international enterprise salary management , Manage pulse salary the historical evolution and tendency in the future , analyze the inside deep contradiction , Ask for the question focus definitely ;

  13. 企业管理信息化已经成为国际上企业管理的一种潮流,它不仅为企业通过降低成本而带来利润,更从深层次上促进了企业在组织结构、管理方法和战略思想上的变革。

    Nowadays , informationization has become a trend in enterprises ' management style , which not only helps enterprises enhance returns through reducing their costs , but also impels them to change their organization structure , management method and strategic thoughts at a deeper level .

  14. 跨文化背景下国际企业人力资源管理研究

    Research on the Human Resource Management in the International Enterprise Under the Cross-Cultural Background

  15. 在国际合资企业中管理,合同或法律仲裁是合作双方的一种正式的交流方式。

    Contract or legal arbitration is a formal form of communication with partners in IJV management .

  16. 新世纪以来,全面风险管理成为了国际上企业风险管理的标准。

    From the new century , comprehensive enterprises risk management ( CERM ) has become the international enterprise risk management standard .

  17. 国际企业人力资源管理是目前人力资源管理研究的一个热点领域。

    Today the human resource has become the core competency of the international enterprise , the human resource manager should take initiative to seek the effective measure and method t.

  18. 建立职业生涯管理的共赢模式是国际企业职业生涯管理的成功经验。

    Achieving a win-win in career management is the successful experience of international enterprises , so the paper proposes that career planning should take realizing staff 's self-value as the goal .

  19. 通过这样全方位的解析国际企业的先进管理文化,期望能对国内企业的服务质量管理有所借鉴。

    Hopefully , through-out analyzing and studying on the culture of quality management in the successful international company , the paper will be helpful to the local enterprises to implement service quality management .

  20. 研发与营销整合研究是近年来国际科技和企业管理界的重点热门研究领域。

    In recent years , study on the integration between R & D and marketing has been hot research field and the focus of the international science and technology and business management sector .

  21. ERP是当今国际上先进的企业管理模式,是以财务管理为中心的企业管理信息系统。

    ERP is a current international advanced management mode , and an enterprise management information system that views financial management as the center .

  22. ERP体现了当今国际上先进的企业管理理论,是企业信息化的主流,也是企业管理现代化必经的途径。

    As the advanced enterprise management theories , ERP is the main current that the business enterprise informational management , and also a path that business enterprise management modernization necessarily through .

  23. 贯彻国际管理标准提高企业管理水平增强市场竞争力

    Carrying out international standard promote enterprises management improve market competitive ability

  24. 国际企业的跨文化管理有多种模式,其中以跨文化融合模式最具优势。

    Of ways of choosing cross-cultural management for multinationals , the best one is cross-cultural integration .

  25. 我们的创业团队具有多年在国际一流通信企业的管理及研发经验。

    Our founding team have tens of years management and technical experience at world-class telecom companies .

  26. 同时,对国际优秀企业人力资源管理与开发实践的变化与趋势进行了分析讨论。

    Then , it analyses the changes and trend on HR management and development of the international excellent enterprises .

  27. 公司采用国际通行的现代企业管理制度运营管理。

    The company operates international modern business management system , with marketing headquarters in Hangzhou and sales network spreading through most cities .

  28. 面对跨文化冲突的风险,对国际企业实行跨文化管理便成为国际企业取得成功的基本条件。

    In face of the venture of cross-cultural shock , the key to success in international enterprises is to carry out cross-cultural management .

  29. 外派人员的管理已成为国际旅游企业人力资源管理的关键性问题。

    The management of the members who are sending abroad is the key problem in human resource management in the international tourism company .

  30. 全面预算管理始于20世纪20年代的美国,目前已成为国际上通行的企业管理方法。

    Comprehensive budget management began in the 20th century 20 years in the United States , has become internationally accepted method of business management .