
  • 网络disposal of state-owned property
  1. 本文研究围绕58家市属科研院所转制过程中的国有资产处置问题展开,对国有资产处置问题展开全面系统论述。

    This article makes researches in the 58 institutes that belong to Shenyang Municipal Government to discuss state-owned assets problems comprehensively and systemically .

  2. 最后一部分结合国有资产处置的基本原则,阐明生产经营类事业单位转企改制中国有资产处置的路径优化,为生产经营类事业单位转企改制中国有资产处置问题研究提供参考。

    The last part states the path optimization for the productive and operational public utilities transforming into enterprises combined with the basic principles of the disposal of state-owned assets , providing a reference for this issue .

  3. 因此,转企改制中生产经营类事业单位的国有资产处置合理与否直接关系到国家和集体以及广大改制单位职工的利益得失,关系到生产经营类事业单位转企改制的成功与否。

    Therefore , whether we can dispose the state-owned asset properly when transforming the productive and operational utilities into enterprises directly relate to the interests of the majority of the pros and cons as well as the success or failure of the reformation .

  4. 但是在很多国有资产的处置上突破了传统的法律关系,立法和相关的配套的政策措施都不完善。

    Many disposals of state-owned assets breakthrough the traditional legal relationship , the relevant legislation and supporting measures are not perfect .

  5. 国有商业银行不良资产处置损失补偿方式研究

    How to Compensate for the Loss in Disposing of Non-Performing Assets of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  6. 论金融创新与国有商业银行不良资产处置

    Discussion on the Financial Innovation and the Disposal of Non-Performing Asset of State-Owned Commercial Bank

  7. 由此可见,能否建立起有效的退出机制是资产管理管公司能否完成国有商业银行不良资产处置这一重任的关键所在。

    We can see that , the crux of the matter is setting up a valid quitting system of assets management corporations is order to have the nationalized commercial bank ′ s bad assets handled successfully .

  8. 本文通过分析中国国有商业银行巨额不良资产的成因和现状,对当前国有商业银行不良资产处置的障碍因素进行了深入分析。

    Firstly , this thesis analyzes the cause of formation and current status of China state-owned commercial bank non-performing asset , then further discusses the obstacle factors of disposition of these asset .