
  1. 具体结构安排如下所示:绪论部分,主要概述了我国公立医院国有资产预算管理的相关背景、目的、意义、研究方法与技术路线等内容。

    The specific structure is as follows : The first chapter is the introduction , mainly introducing the background of state-owned assets budget management of public hospital in China , the objective , significance , research methods and technical route etc. .

  2. 对军队国有资产实行预算管理的探讨

    Budget management of troops state-owned capital

  3. 研究完善行政事业单位国有资产的预算管理,既有利于有效开展资产管理工作,也有利于深化公共财政预算管理体制改革,科学编制财政部门预算,具有理论指导意义。

    Research institutions improve administration of the budget of state-owned assets management , both in favor of effective asset management job , but also conducive to deepening the reform of public finance budget management , scientifically draw up budget for the financial sector , with the meaning of theoretical guidance .

  4. 而且,在以往重预算、轻资产的财政管理理念指导下,行政事业性国有资产管理相较于预算管理远远没有得到应有重视。

    Under the guidance of " pay more attention to budget but light assets management ", compared with the budget management , the management of state-owned assets of administrative units and institutions is far from enough attention .

  5. 即依次简述了国有资产管理理论、国有资产预算管理理论以及公立医院国有资产预算管理理论等内容。第二章分析我国公立医院国有资产预算管理体制改革的现状。

    It introduces the state-owned assets management theory , theory of budget management of state-owned assets and public hospital state-owned assets budget management theory etc * The third chapter analyzes the present situation of management system reform of public hospitals in China state-owned assets budget .