
  • 网络gome;gome electrical appliances;gome.com.cn;GOME Electrical Appliances Holding
  1. 自去年11月份黄光裕接受调查至今,国美电器的股票一直暂停交易。不过贝恩资本(BainCapital)正计划收购这家公司18%的股份。

    Shares in GOME have been suspended from trade since the investigation of Huang began in November , though Bain Capital is stepping in to take an18 % stake in the troubled company .

  2. 国美电器正面临本土同业及美国沃尔玛(wal-mart)和法国家乐福(carrefour)等外资零售业日趋激烈的竞争。

    Gome is facing increased competition from local rivals and foreign retailers such as Wal-Mart , the US group , and Carrefour , the French group .

  3. 据昌荣传播说,中国最大的家电零售商之一国美电器(GomeElectricalAppliancesHoldingLtd.)以人民币1.31亿元获得央视春晚相关冠名权。

    Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd. , one of China 's largest home-appliance retailers , pledged 131 million yuan to become the sole sponsor of the Spring Festival gala , according to Charm .

  4. 他们还突显了黄光裕案的调查强度。黄光裕为国美电器(Gome)创始人,自去年11月底有关他因涉嫌经济犯罪而遭逮捕的新闻开始流传以后,他一直没有露面。

    They also highlight the intensity of the investigation surrounding Mr Huang , the founder of the Gome electronics group , who has not been seen since late November when reports of his arrest on suspicion of economic crimes began to circulate .

  5. 国美电器香港借壳上市案例研究

    Analysis on Gome 's Back - door Listing in Hong Kong

  6. 济南国美电器有限公司成立于2002年,隶属国美电器集团。

    Jinan Gome CO LTD was established in 2002 , subordinated to Gome Group .

  7. 创立于1987年的国美电器集团,近年来一直在迅速扩张。

    Gome group , founded in 1987 , has been expanding rapidly in recent years .

  8. 西安国美电器促销模式研究

    Xi'an Gome Promotion Mode Research

  9. 本文还以国美电器为案例分析了通道费收取的效应,从而与现实产生一定的对照。

    The article further analyses the effect of the channels fee as a contrast with the reality .

  10. 中英文对照:声明还称,目前国美电器经营管理一切正常。

    The statement also said the current operation and management of Gome everything will be all right .

  11. 我国一些大型零售企业如国美电器、北京华联等已经迈出了跨国经营的步伐。

    Some of large retailers such as Gome and Beijing Hualian have taken the pace of cross-border operations .

  12. (现管理层)妄图使国美电器这个来之不易的民族品牌沦为外资品牌,该信断言道。

    [ Current management ] wants to turn this precious Chinese brand into a foreign brand , the letter alleged .

  13. 中国两家大型连锁家电销售企业&苏宁电器和国美电器都在各自网站上扩大了产品门类。

    Suning and Gome , big Chinese high-street electronics stores , are putting an expanded range of products on their websites .

  14. 最终,国美电器不得不作出决定,在签约集团采购客户之外,只接受单一消费者单笔订单。

    Finally , gome have to make a decision , signed the group purchasing customers , accepting only a single consumers outside single order .

  15. 中国很少有企业家象国美电器连锁店创办者和总裁黄光裕那样引人注目。

    There are few business people in China with higher profile than Huang Guangyu , founder and chairman of the Gome electronics retail chain .

  16. 面对全球性金融危机的冲击,国美电器能否幸免于难,它的发展前景将会受到什么样的影响,这是所有投资者、企业管理者十分关注的问题。

    Under the financial crisis , the investment outlook for Gome will meet what kind of impact , which is the focus of investors .

  17. 此问卷是为了研究消费者对销售促销活动的喜爱和销售促销对于于国美电器有限公司的品牌形象和品牌忠诚度的影响。

    This questionnaire is to investigate consumer preferences for sales promotional schemes and the effect of sales promotion on GOME 's brand image and brand loyalty .

  18. 济南国美电器入驻泉城9年来,依托国美电器强大实力,在经营、销售、服务等方面也取得极大发展。

    Since 9 years ago , Gome established in Jinan and made a great improvement on operation , sale and service , depending on its powerful strength .

  19. 国美电器集团成立于1987年元月1日,是中国最大的以家电及消费电子产品零售为主的全国性连锁企业。

    Gome group was established on January 1,1987 , was the largest chain enterprise mainly on the retail of household appliance and consumer electronic production in China .

  20. 不要哭,因为它已经过去,微笑,因为它发生,那些被这种快乐的时光,不久前我怎么不知道他们会国美电器。

    Don 't cry because it is over , smile because it happened , those were such happy times and not so long ago how I wondered they 'd gome .

  21. 杨惠妍的净资产是去年内地首富国美电器老板黄光裕的七倍,当时他的个人资产为23亿美元。

    Yang huiyan 's net worth was more than seven times that of last year 's richest mainland person , appliance retailer gome 's Huang guangyu , who was worth $ 2.3 billion .

  22. 本文应用资源基础理论的分析视角,以国美电器为例,从利用外部资源的角度对我国家电连锁企业的高速增长及其背后的成长机理进行理论与实证研究。

    This paper , from the view of resource-based theory , taking GOME electric appliances as a case , focuses on the mechanism of domestic electric appliances growth and resources accumulation from exterior resources .

  23. 正是在这种背景下,本文以国美电器为例,采用案例分析的方法,定性分析与定量分析相结合对国美电器企业价值进行评估分析。

    Our work of this dissertation mainly bases on the Gome . We adopt the method of case study and take use of the qualitative and quantitative analysis-tool to evaluate the value of Gome .

  24. 本研究旨在为家电连锁行业上市公司的价值评估提供思路,同时为投资者清晰描述苏宁电器与国美电器的投资价值,帮助其做出正确的投资决策。

    This thesis aims to offer strategies for the chain companies in the electrical appliance industry , give a clear picture to the investors on the investment value of Suning and Gome and help the investors make proper investment decisions .

  25. 2002年,国美电器在三联商社以70%市场份额的绝对垄断地位中开始了具有重要战略意义的济南扩张之路,也正因此国美电器济南扩张的每一步都充满了近乎于惨烈的竞争。

    Gome in triple trading company started the expansion in Jinan of vital strategy important which had the absolute monopoly status with 70 % market share . Therefore , every step of the expansion of Jinan Gome was full of fierce competition .

  26. 研究发现,国美电器的控制权之争与大股东和机构资本之间的经营分歧密不可分,而这种分歧是由多种因素所决定的,当这些因素变化时会对控制权产生影响。

    The research finds out that the battle about control of GOME has close relationship with the difference between the biggest shareholder and capital organization , and the difference is resulted from various factors . Once those factors change , it will affect the control of enterprise .

  27. 本研究之结果可为国美电器形成新型竞争战略及未来海外扩张提供了有益的建议,对于有兴趣研究家电连锁零售业、研究竞争战略、研究中国企业海外扩张的相关人员也有一定的参考价值。

    The study gives beneficial suggestions to Gome on how to form new competitive strategy and the future overseas expansion . It is also a useful material to the people who are interested in home electric appliances retail chain , study of competitive strategy and overseas expansion of Chinese enterprises .