
  • 网络international youth hostel;YHA;Hostelling International
  1. 美国国际青年旅舍协会欢迎会员与非会员(美国居民),但是非会员入住的费用比会员高。

    Hostelling International USA welcomes both members and non-members ( US residents ), but non-members are required to pay a higher overnight rate for each night they stay .

  2. 从海口国际青年旅舍怎么走?同去假日海滩相似,只是离市区比较近。

    Getting There : Similar to Holiday beach but a bit closer to the city .

  3. ~距离老班长国际青年旅舍步行约七分钟。

    ~ Be apart from old leader of class international youth inn on foot about seven minutes .

  4. 请为扬州百汇国际青年旅舍留下您宝贵的评级,与大家共享您的想法。

    Write a rating for Yangzhou Baihui International Youth Hostel and share your thoughts with other users .

  5. 这对探讨国际青年旅舍在我国进一步发展具有一定的参考价值。

    This paper is of some reference value for the extensive development of youth hostels in our country .

  6. 截止到目前,滇西南保山、怒江、德宏、临沧四地州唯一的一家国际青年旅舍。

    Until now , it is the only international youth hostel in Baoshan , Nujiang , Dehong and Lincang .

  7. 如果你不想去那些小景点,可以不用买票,你就告诉检票人说你住“老谢车马店(国际青年旅舍)”;

    When the officer check if you bought any ticket , you could tell them that you stay at Lao shay Youth Hostel .

  8. 如果您是美国居民,您可以在美国国际青年旅舍协会申请成为会员。

    If the US is you country of residence , HI-USA can sell you a membership . ( See membership section on this site for more information on how to become a member ) .

  9. 青岛奥博维特国际青年旅舍位于市中心的观象山天文台内,在室内可看到青岛的全貌,周围被众多历史建筑包围,是一颗隐藏在城市喧嚣中的明珠。

    YHA Old Observatory , Qingdao , is located in China 's first contemporary observatory . A hidden gem from which to explore China 's most vibrant coastal city in the heart of Qingdao .