
  • 【电力】potential hydroenergy, potential hydroenergy resources
  1. 我国水能资源蕴藏量居世界第一,但是水能资源利用率不高,另外水资源分布极不均匀。

    The potential hydro-energy resource in our country is the first in the world , but it is energy-inefficient and is uneven distribution .

  2. 贵州省资源丰富,其中全省水能资源理论蕴藏量(10MW以上河流)1584.37亿kW。

    The water resources are rich in Guizhou Province .

  3. 松花江水系水能资源理论蕴藏量最大,占全省总理论蕴藏量的48.50%;

    Songhuajiang water system has the biggest theoretical storage of waterpower resource , accounting for 48.5 % of the whole theoretical storage of the province .

  4. 理论蕴藏量采用了两个估算方法:一是采用实测的表层和深层的海水温度差;松花江水系水能资源理论蕴藏量最大,占全省总理论蕴藏量的48.50%;

    One is based on the measured temperature difference between the surface and the deep water . Songhuajiang water system has the biggest theoretical storage of waterpower resource , accounting for 48.5 % of the whole theoretical storage of the province .