
  1. 主要水源类型为地下水、水库水、江河水。

    The water source included underground water 、 reservoir 、 river .

  2. 水源类型包括:地下水、湖泊水库水、江河水、泉水。

    Water source included : underground water , lake reservoir , river , spring .

  3. 雅砻江干流调水与雅砻江上游水利水电开发的战略协同关系研究

    Study on the Strategic Correlation between Water Transferring from Yalong River Mainstream and Water Conservancy and Hydro Development on Yalong River Upstream

  4. 当杭州遭遇强降雨、运河水位高时,就启动泵站,把运河水往钱塘江排。

    When there is heavy rain in Hangzhou and water level in the Grand Canal rises , start up the pump station to drain the water into Qiantang River .

  5. 郁山大桥位于国道319彭(水)黔(江)线上,其主桥上部结构形式为94m+170m+94m预应力混凝土连续刚构桥,主墩采用双支薄壁高墩,设计荷载为汽-20级,挂-100级。

    The Yushan bridge is located on the 319 Pengshui to Qianjiang national highway . The superstructure of the main part of the bridge is 94m + 170m + 94m prestressed concrete rigid-continuous frame bridge .

  6. 在合理的管理体制的保证下,做好水规划管理、江务防汛管理、水资源保护管理、水土保持管理和取水许可管理。

    Under the guarantee of the rational management system , the managements for the following items should be adequately carried out : water planning , river and flood control , water resources protection , soil and water conservation , water use permit .

  7. 采用生物接触氧化净水工艺和传统净水工艺处理姚江微污染原水。

    The slightly polluted raw water in Yao river was treated separately by the bio-contact oxidation process and the conventional water purification process .