
  • 网络Spa
  1. 我很感谢你送我去那个水疗馆

    I appreciate you sending me to that spa ,

  2. 她的产品只在水疗馆里使用。

    Her products are only available in the spa .

  3. 我是三年前开始来TheanoBella水疗馆的。

    I started going to Theano Bella three years ago .

  4. 他报道过全世界许多热门地点,但是他最新的任务是要采访这个世界上最热门的Spa水疗馆。

    He 's covered stories in many of the world 's hotspots , but his latest assignment is one of the world 's hottest spas .

  5. 米奇尔,你还是去水疗馆找曼尼吧。

    Mitchell , why don 't you go find Manny have the spa .

  6. 麦克斯今天要用水疗馆的声音说话

    Max we 're using our spa voice today .

  7. 我寻找过健身馆水疗馆私人沙滩

    I have scoured the gym , the spa , the private beach .

  8. 她表示,美国的水疗馆接待着大量欧洲客人。

    She says spas across the US have been seeing an influx of Europeans .

  9. 多莉在欧洲学习了水疗法,现在她在加州一家水疗馆执业。

    Dori studied balneology in Europe and now applies her knowledge at a spa in California .

  10. 投资者们会搞得他破产他们还会把这里变成水疗馆

    The investors will bankrupt him , and they 'll turn this place into a day spa .

  11. 位于艾图塔基岛东端的艾图塔基泻湖度假村和阿基图阿岛的水疗馆。

    Part of Aitutaki Lagoon Resort and Spa on motu ( lagoon islet ) of Akitua , at eastern end of island of Aitutaki .

  12. 我非常珍惜创作的自由,这也是为什么我更喜欢设计饭店、度假村、水疗馆、赌场以及购物中心等。

    I value the freedom of creation very much , which is also why I am more into the design for hotels & resorts , spars , casinos and shopping centers .