
ɡuó jì dān wèi zhì
  • international system of units
  1. 这种单位制叫国际单位制,缩写为SI。

    This system is called the International System of Units , abbreviated SI .

  2. 所有提交文件、图纸和计算公式都应采用国际单位制。

    All submittals , drawings and formulas shall apply international system of units .

  3. 当前,国际单位制(SI)以物质的量作为基本量,本文特对其概念进行讨论,并提出了与之配套的计算方法。

    At present , the substantial amount is called the elementary quantity in SI system .

  4. 电子仪器的测量结果最终要溯源到国际单位制SI的7个基本单位以保证其准确性。

    The measurement results of electronic instruments should be traceable to 7 fundamental SI units to ensure their accuracy .

  5. 在国际单位制(SI)中,功和能的单位是焦耳(J)。

    The unit of work and energy in the SI system is the joule ( J ) .

  6. 确定你所用的单位统一、清楚,并且遵循国际单位制(SI)。

    Make sure that the units you use are consistent and clear , and that you comply with the SI system .

  7. 文章阐述了国际单位制(SI)中,七个基本单位之一的质量单位的现状及各国的研究动态。

    The current situation and researching trend of mass unit , which is one of the seven SI units , are described in this paper .

  8. 程序提供了压缩因数Z基于BWR和RK状态方程的两种算法及英制、米制和国际单位制的选择。

    Based on two calculation methods of BWR and RK equations of state and three unit ( English system , metric system and international system ), compression coefficient Z is presented in this program .

  9. 国际单位制中的能量单位是什么,焦耳。

    What is the energy unit in SI ? The joule .

  10. 一七西弗:指国际单位制之人员剂量单位。

    Sievert / Sv refers to the SI unit of personal dose .

  11. 再谈冶金学中使用国际单位制的若干问题

    Re - Discussion about several issues in using international units system in metallurgy

  12. 电磁学中国际单位制和实用单位制之间的转换

    The transform between the international and the practical systems of units in electromagnetism

  13. 国际单位制与高斯单位制的转换

    Conversion between international unit system and Gaussian unit system

  14. 国际单位制所采用的电流的基本单位。

    The basic unit of electric current adopted under the System International d'Unites .

  15. 国家采用国际单位制。

    The State shall adopt the International System of Units ( SI ) .

  16. 这是使用国际单位制单位的好处。

    Here is the value of using SI units .

  17. 大部分的化学遵守国际单位制,所以质量的单位应该是千克。

    Most of chemistry has gone SI so every mass should be in kilograms .

  18. 这是国际单位制,电荷的国际单位制。

    This is the SI unit , the systeme international unit for electric charge .

  19. 国际单位制(国际制)

    International System of Units ( SI )

  20. 国家选定的非国际单位制单位(见表4);

    Units of non-international system of measurement chosen by the State ( see Table 4 );

  21. 其他的国家使用焦耳,国际单位制中的能量单位。

    Other countries use the joule , the unit of energy in the International System of Units .

  22. 国际单位制;

    International System of Units ;

  23. 国际单位制所采用的基本长度单位(约(待查表)码)。

    The basic unit of length adopted under the System International d'Unites ( approximately 1.094 yards ) .

  24. 国际单位制与磁异常解释

    Unit Systems and Magnetic Interpretation

  25. 也提出了冶金学中使用国际单位制目前还存在的若干问题。

    Some problems existing in the application of international unit system in metallurgy are also pointed out .

  26. 在物理学研究中除了国际单位制外,其它如厘米?克?秒和米?千克?秒单位制也使用。

    Aside from the SI system , other systems such as CGS and MKS are in use in the study of physics .

  27. 政府致力提倡并推动香港逐步采用国际单位制。

    The Government seeks to promote and facilitate the progressive adoption of the International Systems of Units ( SI ) in Hong Kong .

  28. 本文就十余年来我国在冶金学领域使用国际单位制所遇到的问题,特别是关于热量和压力单位等问题,提出一些不同的意见;

    The problems related to using SI units in metallurgy in last decade are dis-cussed with emphasis on the heat and pressure units etc.

  29. 供货商需递交夹套球阀(jacketballvalve)的实际应用清单,同时用国际单位制标出主要参数。

    The supplier is required to submit bill of the practical application of jacket ball valve and with major parameters indicated in international unit .

  30. 时间不但是我们日常生活和工作中最常用的基本参量,也是国际单位制中七个基本量之一。

    Time is not only the basic parameter in our daily life and work , but also one of seven elements in the SI .