
  1. 本文首先介绍中日国际合作开发研究的A1型智能网络(A1型IN)的总体结构;

    Firstly , this paper describe the overall structure of A1 type IN developed by the Sino Japanese international cooperative research team .

  2. 经济全球化与图们江地区国际合作开发

    Economic Globalization and Tumen River Area 's International Cooperation and Development

  3. 图们江区域国际合作开发战略与模式研究

    Study on International Cooperation Development Strategy and Mode in Tumen River Area

  4. 图们江流域的区域国际合作开发模式

    The regional development model on international cooperation and development in Tumen River area

  5. 对这些原则做一些修改,使日本军工行业能够参与国际合作开发项目

    Modification of the principles that will enable the industry to participate in international co-development projects

  6. 图们江与湄公河国际合作开发的比较

    A Comparison between the Tumen River Area and the Mekong River Basin in Their International Cooperation and Development

  7. 跨境旅游资源国际合作开发探讨&以黑龙江中俄边境段为例

    Study on International Cooperation in Exploitation of the Cross-border Tourist Resources & A Case Study of the Heilongjiang Valley between China and Russia

  8. 第四部分,对东北亚地区经济合作核心区域&图们江区域国际合作开发进行了研究。

    Four-part cent , to the core of the economic cooperation in the northeast Asia region & Tumen River 's international cooperation development was carry on .

  9. 建设中老缅泰国际合作开发区营造景洪市立体开放口岸系统

    The development region of international cooperation construction of china , laos , burma , thailand and establishing three dimensinal opening ports system in Jinghong city , yunnan

  10. 2005年5月,图们江区域国际合作开发更名为大图们江合作区域。

    In May , 2005 , the name of the International Cooperation and Development of Tumen River basin was changed to Cooperation Region of Big Tumen River .

  11. 进而从区域经济联系与国际合作开发的角度,探讨其未来发展格局及其对社会生态系统的可能影响。

    And then , in terms of regional economic relations and international cooperation and development , the authors inquired into their developing patterns and their possible influences on social-ecosystem in the future .

  12. 本指南由挪威国际合作开发署资助,得到荷兰促进从发展中国家进口中心的协助。

    The guidebook was funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation ( Norad ) and developed in collaboration with the Dutch Centre for Promotion of Imports from developing countries ( CBI ) .

  13. 在国际合作开发处/国际开发署的75项批准事项中,26项由卫生、营养和人口方案管理,但承诺款项的53%预期将由该方案管理。

    Of the75 IBRD / IDA approvals , 26 are managed by the HNP SB , but53 % of commitments is expected to be managed by the Health , Nutrition and Population School Breakfast programme .

  14. 把中国分别作为资本输出国和资本输入国的角度进行讲述对石油天然气领域的直接投资的国家鼓励和限制政策以及石油天然气资源国际合作开发的法律问题。

    The paper discusses the encouraged and restrictive policies in foreign direct investment countries as well as the legal problems of international cooperative development in oil and gas field , dividing China into such two aspects as capital-exporting country and capital-importing country .

  15. 跨国信托从应用范围来看,早已涉及到社会生活的各个方面,从家庭财产的管理、各种基金、投资融资、商事活动直至国际合作开发的重大工程项目,都可以利用信托的组织形式。

    In terms of the range of application , the international trust exists in everywhere , from the management of family property , all kinds of funds to the international cooperative exploitation project , especially of the commercial trust which is widely used .

  16. 从20世纪90年代开始,内蒙古自治区政府积极扩大对外开放方针,为对外开放和国际合作开发创造机遇,十分重视口岸建设,口岸建设取得了一定的成就。

    From the 1990s , the Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region keep to the opening-door policy , create opportunities by opening-door policy and international cooperation , pay great attention to the building of ports and construction of port has achieved some success .

  17. 国际能源合作开发争端的非传统解决机制析论

    On the Untraditional Settlement Mechanism of International Energy Co-operative Development Dispute

  18. 国际能源合作开发的争端解决机制研究

    On the Settlement Mechanism of International Energy Cooperative Development Disputes

  19. 她目前的一项任务还激发了她对国际合作和开发的热情。

    One of her current assignments also taps her passion for international co-operation and development .

  20. 加拿大原子能公司(AECL)与清华大学开展了国际合作,以开发新一代的钍基先进坎杜堆(TACR)。

    The Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd ( AECL ) has cooperated with Tsinghua University to develop a new generation of thorium-based advanced CANDU reactor ( TACR ) .

  21. 遗传算法&国际石油合作勘探开发项目投资组合的新方法

    The Genetic Algorithm is the New Method for the Selection of International Petroleum Cooperative Exploration and Development Projects

  22. 并从理论上给出了符合国际石油合作勘探开发项目特点的经济评价方法和评价模型。

    At last , methods and model have been given which accord with economic evaluation of international oil exploration and development projects .

  23. 参与国际石油合作,开发海外油气资源,以获得充足的油气供应是我们的必然选择。

    The only choice is to participate in the international petroleum cooperation and exploit the foreign oil resources to obtain enough supply of the oil resources .

  24. 国际石油合作勘探开发面临着对不同地区、不同财务制度下的项目进行投资方案选择和优化组合的艰巨任务。

    In order to carry out international petroleum exploration and development projects , policymakers face the arduous task of choosing and optimizing projects in different areas and under different financial rules .

  25. 鉴于海洋法的相关国际条约对于海域的不同划分,各国在海洋上的利益争端变得异常激烈,为保障各方的利益,一般国际社会提倡合作开发的模式。

    In view of the relevant international law of the sea treaty divided the waters for different countries ' interests in the oceans of the dispute became very intense , to protect the interests of all parties , the international community in general to promote cooperative development model .