
  • 网络programme assistance;Program Assistance
  1. 但最后一批经济刺激方案援助资金将于本月到期。

    But the last stimulus dollars expire this month .

  2. 穷人收到了一些方案的援助,有些方案现在还在紧张的环境下缓慢实行。

    The poor are helped by a number of programmes , some of them now creaking under the strain .

  3. 尼克松政府上台后,为了克服美国家庭福利制度的弊端,提出了新的改革方案家庭援助计划。

    In order to overcome the welfare crisis in the family welfare system , Nixon 's administration came up with their own reform plan , which was called " Family Assistant Plan " .

  4. 但欧盟方案中的援助金额远低于中国的估算。

    But the EU offer falls far short of Chinese estimates .

  5. 亚太国家间方案中期评估发展援助协调员会议

    Meeting of Development Assistance Coordinators for the Mid-Term Assessment of the Intercountry Programme for Asia and the Pacific

  6. 在详细审议有关建议方案之后,法律援助服务局提出以下意见。

    The legal aid services council , having considered the proposal in length , has made the following comments .

  7. 作为这个新政的一部分,世界银行已经开始提供有条件现金转移和以工代赈方案,并开始援助新的种植活动,他说。

    As part of the New Deal , the World Bank is providing conditional cash transfers , food-for-work programs , and is assisting with new plantings , he said .

  8. 2008年5月以来,世行通过《全球食品危机应对方案》提供的援助总额已达12亿美元,非洲和亚洲两个受影响最严重的地区得到了援助。

    Since May2008 , total Bank-funded operations under the GFRP have amounted to more than $ 1.2 billion , with assistance reaching the most affected regions of Africa and Asia .