
fāng àn shè jì
  • scheme design;project design;conceptual design;schematic design
  1. 基于Web的采油工艺措施方案设计

    Oil Recovery Process Project Design Based on Web

  2. 管状液压成型件CAD系统的方案设计

    The Project Design on CAD System for Hydroforming Tube

  3. 优化系统资源的Web服务选择方案设计

    Web Service Selection Scheme Design with optimizing System Resource

  4. 陶瓷窑方案设计智能CAD系统的研究

    Study on Intelligent CAD System of the Scheme Design of Ceramic Kiln

  5. 突破场地限制,创造设计特色&以东莞石龙E时代广场方案设计为例

    Breaking Through Space Limitation to Create Special Features in Designing

  6. 面向GIS基础空间数据检查系统方案设计

    Design of the Check_ - up System of Primary Spatial Data for GIS

  7. LED测试系统方案设计及信号采集

    LED Testing System Scheme Design and Signal Acquisition

  8. 用于舰船推进装置方案设计的CAD系统

    A CAD System for Marine Propulsion Plants

  9. IP电话终端的方案设计

    Design of IP Phone Terminal

  10. LNG质量管理方案设计与保障对策研究

    The LNG Quality Manages Project Design and Guarantee Counterplan Research

  11. 基于RFID的烟草仓储管理方案设计

    RFID-Based Tobacco Warehouse Management Program Design

  12. 非线性存储方案设计问题&一个NP完全问题

    Design nonlinear storage scheme : a NP complete problem

  13. 根据以上针对WebSphereESB节流器和分派器的需求,有四种解决方案设计可供考虑

    Given the above requirements for a WebSphere ESB throttler and dispatcher , four solution designs were considered

  14. 基于Eclipse的RationalClearQuestDesigner,带有新特性,以降低需要花在方案设计上的时间

    An Eclipse-based Rational ClearQuest Designer , with new features to reduce the time that you need to spend on schema design

  15. 利用CSP技术辅助汽车驾驶室内布置方案设计

    Cab Interior Layout with CSP Technique

  16. aig的纾困方案设计得不错。

    The AIG rescue package was well-designed .

  17. RationalSOMA解决了服务识别、服务规范和制定服务实现决策的核心服务解决方案设计活动。

    Rational SOMA addresses the core service solution design activities of service identification , service specification , and making service realization decisions .

  18. 房地产企业成都LW公司杠杆收购方案设计

    The Design on Leverage Buy - Out for a Realestate Enterprise

  19. 按照这种解决方案设计了一套基于Web的网络化示波器,可以进行远端数据采集。并将数据库技术引入网络化虚拟仪器中,实现对信号的存取管理功能。

    In the light of the scheme , a set of network oscilloscope based on web is designed to remotely sampling data , and the technology of data base is successfully used to administer the saving and taking of signals in network virtual instrument .

  20. 将其应用于Linux的一些源代码测试以及软件配置测试的测试方案设计,结果表明生成的测试数据具有较高的代码覆盖率和错误检测能力。

    The authors use the result to test the Linux code and design the test plan for the software configuration testing . It shows the test data generated by the algorithm has high code coverage and fault-detection ability .

  21. 其中包括:远程监控的Web化方案设计,控制网络与信息网络的融合,实时数据动态交换及实时性研究,远程监控系统的网络安全等。

    Among them , the design of a Web-based monitoring and control project , the integration of the Infranet network and Internet / Intranet network , the real-time data dynamic exchange and the research of real-time character and network security of the remote monitoring and control system are included .

  22. DCMC公司薪酬方案设计

    DCMC Company Salary Program Designing

  23. 2H-4000轮机仿真训练器数据通信方案设计

    Design for data communication of 2H-4000 marine engineering simulator

  24. TBS-300型有线电视机顶盒的方案设计

    Design of CATV STB TBS-300

  25. 凝析气PVT分析数据是进行气藏数值模拟及开采工艺设计的重要参数,但由于各种原因在气藏开发初期未能取得代表性PVT样品或未进行取样,以至使开发方案设计不能正常进行;

    PVT data of gas condensate reservoir provide important parameters for reservoir numerical modeling and recovery planing . For various reasons , however , representative PVT samples of the initial development phase are often not available .

  26. 首先对变送器部分进行了整体的方案设计,变送器由电容/电压转换、纹波控制电容切换、放大倍数切换、A/D转换、单片机、光电隔离和RS485串口通讯等几部分组成。

    Firstly , the whole scheme of the transducer is designed , the transducer includes capacitance / voltage converting , ripple-control capacitor switching , magnify-multiple switching , A / D converting , singlechip , photoelectric isolation and RS-485 serial communication , etc.

  27. 通过采用二次饱和D-最优设计(311B方案设计),建立了氮磷钾肥与水稻产量的数学模型,经检验该模型可靠。

    Then with urea increase , yield start decrease . By quadratic saturation D optima design , set up math model of N , P , K fertilizers applied and yield , by test , the model is reliable .

  28. 匹配型光纤布拉格光栅波长移动解调方案设计与分析

    Wave-Length-Migration Demodulation Project Designing and Analysis of Matched Fiber Bragg Gating

  29. 激光三维距离图象获取和处理系统的方案设计

    Scheme design for laser 3-D range image acquisition and processing system

  30. 飞行器归算误差分析及解决方案设计

    Analysis of reductive - calculation error of aerocraft and the solution