
  1. 新版《项目调整和国际开发协会贷款取消指南》也已草拟完毕。投资贷款体制改革的一项重要内容是与各利益相关方进行磋商。

    New Project Restructuring and IDA Cancellation Guidelines have also been drafted .

  2. 国际开发协会贷款给人均收入低于806美元(按1982年美元计算)的国家。

    The IDa provides loans to countries with per capita incomes of less than 806 ( 1982 dollars ) which makes about fifty countries eligible .

  3. 我希望在今后三年中将国际开发协会贷款(世界银行对最穷国的基金)对脆弱国家的支持份额提高50%。

    I hope to increase the share of IDA core financing the Banks fund for the poorest to fragile states by about 50 percent in the next three years .