
ɡuó jì jīnɡ jì hé zuò
  • international economic cooperation
  1. 因此,经济水平的巨大差异性使东北亚地区成为成为成功的国际经济合作的r目标短期内不易实现,这成为吉林省吸引东北亚投资的一个主要瓶颈。

    Therefore , huge difference in economic level makes Northeast Asia not liable to become a successful international economic cooperation in a short term , which becomes a major bottleneck for Jilin investment-attracting activities .

  2. 文章针对我国现行的工程造价管理现状,结合WTO的市场准入原则和国际经济合作活动规则,提出一些急需解决的问题的措施和对策。

    Aiming for the actuality of construction cost management in china , the article connecting the entrance principle of market at WTO and the activity rule of the international economic cooperation raises some measure and countermeasure of exigent settled problems .

  3. 今天,我们把G20指定为我们这些国家开展国际经济合作的首要论坛。

    Today , we designated the G20 as the premier forum for our international economic co-operation .

  4. 而在今年,imf追求的那种系统性国际经济合作基本缺位。

    This year , systemic international economic co-operation of the type sought by the IMF has been very largely absent .

  5. BOT投融资方式是近二十世纪才兴起的一种新的国际经济合作方式。

    BOT form was booming as a new form of international investment and financing in the eighties of the 20th century .

  6. 在今年9月份的匹兹堡峰会上,由世界主要国家组成的20国集团(g20)自诩为“国际经济合作的首要论坛”。

    The group of 20 leading nations designated itself as " the premier forum for our international economic co-operation " at the Pittsburgh summit in September .

  7. 现在的问题是,应该何时,怎样撤出支持,而不会对经济复苏造成影响,应该怎样避免金融危机卷土重来。各国领导一致同意,认定G20为国际经济合作的主要组织,而不是G8。G20包括19个国家和欧盟在内。

    Now , the question is how and when to withdraw that support without harming a recovery , and how to avoid a repeat of the financial crisis .

  8. 根据国际经济合作与发展组织(OECD)对风险投资下的定义,所谓风险投资(venturecapital),是指凡是以高科技与知识为基础,生产与经营技术密集型的创新产品或服务的投资。

    According to the OECD on the definition of the Venture Capital , the so-called venture capital ( VC ) is the investment which based on high-tech and knowledge , producing and operating the technology-intensive innovative products or services .

  9. 双方坚定支持G20,这是各国实现国际经济合作的重要论坛,其间,全球最大的经济体为实现他们共同的愿望和前景而协同努力。

    We both strongly support the G20 as the premier forum for our international economic cooperation , where the worlds largest economies work together to support their mutual aspirations and ambitions .

  10. 近年来,WTO多哈回合谈判步履维艰以及坎昆会议的受挫,加速了全球区域经济合作的发展,区域贸易协定已成为国际经济合作的一种重要法律形式。

    In recent years , WTO negotiation went on with great difficulties in Doha and even suffered frustrations in Cancun conference , which has quickened global economic cooperation within regions . Regional trade agreement has become an important form for international economy cooperation .

  11. 正如与会各国上周在匹兹堡所达成的一致,G-20峰会应该成为发达的工业化国家和新兴大国之间进行国际经济合作的主要论坛。

    As agreed in Pittsburgh last week , the G-20 should become the premier forum for international economic cooperation among the advanced industrialized countries and rising powers .

  12. 但G20之所以奏效,仅仅是因为它将自己局限于国际经济合作等相对无关性命的问题。如果它有一天偏离正题,触及伊朗之类的问题,那些常常令安理会陷入僵局的分歧便必然会再次出现。

    But the G20 works only because it has confined itself to relatively bloodless issues of international economic co-ordination . If it were ever to stray on to questions like Iran , then the divisions that too often cripple the Security Council would simply reappear .

  13. 图们江地区国际经济合作的背景与展望

    Background and Prospects of International Economic Cooperation in Tumen River Region

  14. 东北亚区域国际经济合作前景展望

    A Prospect for the International Economic Co-operation in Northeast Asia

  15. 发展和国际经济合作总干事帮办

    Deputy to the Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation

  16. 国际经济合作与发展总干事办公室

    Office of the Director-General for International Economic Cooperation and Development

  17. 国际经济合作会议(南北对话)

    International Economic Cooperation Conference ( the North-South Dialogue )

  18. 国际经济合作的基础&南北合作

    South-North Cooperation : A foundation for International Economic Cooperation

  19. 21世纪的国际经济合作

    International economic co operation in the 21st century

  20. 随着国际经济合作的进一步破裂,全球金融市场将变得更加不稳定。

    Financial markets will become more unstable as international economic co-operation breaks down further .

  21. 又是一次会议,又是一个让支持国际经济合作的人们沮丧的周末。

    Another meeting , another weekend of frustration for supporters of international economic co-ordination .

  22. 根据当前国际经济合作的特点,在新时期经济合作尤为重要。

    Economic collaboration is most important in new times according to its international situation .

  23. 湖南林业国际经济合作研究

    The Research on Hunan Forestry International Cooperation

  24. 对外直接投资作为我国参与国际经济合作的重要组成部分近年发展迅速。

    FDI as an important part of Chinese participation in the cooperation is developing rapidly .

  25. 中国始终奉行互利共赢的开放战略,倡导国际经济合作。

    China has always championed our mutually beneficial opening-up policy and advocated international economic cooperation .

  26. 我们将在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。

    Our participation in worldwide economic cooperation and competition will assume greater scope and depth .

  27. 国际经济合作与技术交流

    International economic cooperation and technological exchange

  28. 区域经济一体化始兴于二战后,是国际经济合作的重要内容之一。

    Regional cooperation as an important part of international economic cooperation emerged after World War ⅱ .

  29. 外商直接投资撤退是国际经济合作中的普遍现象。

    The withdrawal of direct foreign investment is a common phenomenon in the international economical cooperation .

  30. 产品内分工成为了当前国际经济合作中的主要现象。

    Intra-product specification has become the main phenomena in the field of current international economic cooperation .