
  • 网络project assistance;Project Aid
  1. 国际项目援助方案社

    International Projects Assistance Programme

  2. 能力评价准则和计算机项目设计援助

    Capacity assessment guidelines and computerized project design assistance

  3. 对阿基诺一行人等来说,另一个重点是重启中国对基础设施项目的援助。

    Another priority for the Aquino camp is to restart Chinese aid for infrastructure projects .

  4. 以色列禁止欧盟对一些巴勒斯坦项目的援助,这一举动激化了以色列与欧盟之间的争端。

    Israel is stepping up its dispute with the European Union by blocking European aid to some Palestinians .

  5. 世界银行是一家为贫困国家的中长期发展项目提供援助资金的国际金融机构。

    The World Bank is an agency for channelling aid funds to poor countries for medium and long-term projects .

  6. 由于针对计划生育和生殖健康项目的援助跟不上需求,因此挑战仍很巨大。

    But huge challenges remain as aid for family planning and reproductive health programs has not kept pace with demand .

  7. 开发者还准备了一集活动维基页,提供给那些想要给项目提供援助的人们。

    The developers also have an active set of wiki pages for those who want to help with the project .

  8. 位于海军基地附近的美国海军为此项目提供援助资金。

    While located near a marine base , the US Navy is actually providing the bulk of the project 's funding .

  9. 2009年实施的经济刺激方案暂时将食品券项目的援助金额提高,但是从今天开始,该项目的援助金额将缩减50亿美元。

    The 2009 stimulus package provided a temporary boost to the food stamp program but beginning today that program is getting hit with five-billion-dollar cut .

  10. 以前已经有幼狮的技术转移的说法,可是这一次的消息来自该项目的援助人员。

    The charge of Lavi technology transfer has been made before , but this time the claims come from individuals with sustained personal experience of the programme .

  11. 所谓的5加1国今年6月向伊朗提出了更进一步的激励方案,其中包括为伊朗的民用核项目提供援助,但前提是伊朗必须放弃浓缩铀项目。美国和欧洲盟国相信,伊朗的浓缩铀项目同核武器有关。

    The so-called P Five Plus One offered Iran an enhanced package of incentives in June , including aid for a civil nuclear program , if it dropped a uranium-enrichment project the United States and European allies believe is weapons related .

  12. 一名联合国官员说将会暂停援助项目,直到援助车队能够得到充分的保护为止。

    A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there 's adequate protection for relief convoys .

  13. 在中英甘肃基础教育项目的资金援助下,甘肃省临夏回族自治州的4个县(康乐、和政、积石山和东乡)从2000年开始试验推行SDP,并注重社区的参与。

    Four counties ( including Dongxiang County ) in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province began to try out SDP in 2000 with the fund from China / U. K. Gansu Basic Education Project .

  14. 这个项目提供救灾援助,以及美国的社区服务。

    It provides disaster assistance and community service in the U.S.

  15. 您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。

    Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated .

  16. 项目前期技术援助小组已经采用了全世界的经验和原理。

    The PPTA team has explored world ? wide eco-tourism experience and principles .

  17. 对具体国家的各类项目实行长期援助方法;

    Taking a long-term approach to aid across the range of programs in a particular country ;

  18. 在印度,世界银行为一个正在执行的项目提供的援助已经帮助安得拉普拉德的渔民恢复了生计。

    In India , World Bank financing under an on-going project has already helped fishermen in the state of Andhra Pradesh resume their livelihoods .

  19. 的新教学楼。”中缅油气管道项目包括社会援助项目242项,涵盖教育、医疗、供水、供电、道路、通信等方面。此外还有一些针对自然灾害类的捐赠。

    o know what a hard time the children were having . " The China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline Project includes 242 aid projects in Myanmar , with other areas of support including education , medical care , road construction and telecommunication .

  20. Quisumbing表示,政府应该支持帮助女性农民的项目,包括经济援助,帮助他们购买更好的种子和肥料。

    She says governments should support programs that help women farmers . These include financial support to help them buy better seeds and fertilizers .

  21. 该项目在人道主义援助行动中,传染病控制的相关问题上提供技术和操作方面的具体支持。

    The program provides technical and operational support for control of communicable diseases in humanitarian emergencies .

  22. 国际学士组织表示有30所大学为该项目毕业生提供财政援助。

    The International Baccalaureate Organization says about thirty universities offer financial aid to graduates of its programs .

  23. 投入到相互安全项目里的经济援助已经给我们打造了强大的同盟以及有实力繁荣的贸易伙伴。

    The economic aid that went into our mutual security program built strong allies and strong , prosperous trading partners .

  24. 组织者称这个项目将在发展中国家援助种子收集活动,这些国家多数的基因库都运转地不好。

    Organizers say the project will rescue seed s ' collections in developing countries where many gene banks are in poor condition .

  25. 例如,结构调整贷款项目帮助住房金融援助基金转制为联邦抵押公司,使之发展成为一个信誉良好和市场型金融机构。

    For example , a restructuring loan helped transform the Financial Housing Aid Fund into the Federal Mortgage Corporation , a well respected and market-engaged institution .

  26. 除了人道主义援助以外,日本还在排雷、兵和难民重返社会、及抗击疟疾项目方面进行了援助。

    Apart from humanitarian assistance , Japan has also contributed to de-mining projects , projects for reintegration of former soldiers and refugees as well as programs for combating malaria .

  27. 世行向债务管理子项目提供了技术援助,用于为负责审查机构安排和流程的咨询专家编制工作大纲。

    On the debt management component , the Bank provided technical assistance in the development of terms of reference for a battery of consultants charged with reviewing organization and processes .

  28. 她的发言人昨日表示,阿罗约已经签署了一项政令,暂停11个大型项目的官方开发援助贷款。这些项目尚未与贷款方正式签署合同。

    Her spokesman said yesterday the president had issued a directive to put on hold official development assistance loans for 11 major projects that have not yet been formally signed with creditors .

  29. 为了改善员工的生活质量,提高工作效率,促进和谐安定,有必要推广专业化、科学化的人文关怀项目&本土化员工援助计划。

    In order to improve the quality of life of employees , improve work efficiency , promote harmony and stability , it is necessary to promote professional , scientific and humanistic care project & localization of Employee Assistance Programs .

  30. 在六方会谈中,北韩承诺结束它的核项目,以换取援助和外交利益。后来北韩不接受它曾在去年6月申报的核项目清单的核实计划,导致北韩非核化进程停滞不前。

    The six-party talks , in which North Korea committed to end its nuclear program in return for aid and diplomatic benefits , is stalled over Pyongyang 's failure to accept a verification plan for the nuclear declaration it made last June .