Fulfilling Scientific Outlook on Development to Strengthen the Management on Project Expenditures Budget
Performance Measurement of Budgeting of the Changjiang Maritime Cruise and Rescue Special Funds Program
We will create a mechanism for evaluating key expenditure items before including them in the budget .
A Study to the Appraisal of the Appropriation Budget Project of the Cause Institution under the Ministry of Communications
It is the expenditure-taking place in order to finish the specific administration task and cause-developing goal out of the basic expenditure budget .
It is an inexorable trend of the reform and development of department budget to strengthen the appraisal of appropriation budget of the project .
For the department , the income budget is united budget , the expenditure budget is divided into basic expenditure budget and project expenditure budget .
According to the unified deployment of our country , Shandong province pushed forward the project expenditure budget reform in 2001 and has made a marked success .
In recent years , the reform of appropriation budget of project has made a preliminary effect , but the questions still exist on how to appraise the appropriation budget of the project .
The project expenditure budget is a part of the department expenditure budget . It is an annual project outlay plan to complete specific administration task in addition to the basic expenditure budget .
The last chapter has summarized the questions that should be paid attention to while appraising the appropriation budget of the project , and probed into the development trend of appropriation budget of project .
Chapter five is a study to the appraisal method of the project appropriation budget of unit of maritime affairs , structuring the mode of two Delphi and giving an example to the equipment purchase project ;
This paper bases on the present status of the reform and development of the project expenditure budget of Shandong province , and then makes some policy proposals on strengthening budget management through performance appraisal mechanism reform .
While Johnson was unable and unwilling to trim the great society spending from his budget , Mr Bush is similarly unable to abandon his tax cuts without alienating his conservative base .