
  • 网络cash flow management;Cashflow Management
  1. 本文认为企业价值创造的关键是要进行现金流量管理。

    Cash flow management is the key of enterprise value creating .

  2. 更新企业理财观念强化现金流量管理

    Renewing Business Finance Idea and Strengthening Cash Flow Management

  3. 地勘企业现金流量管理机制浅探

    Analysis on Management Mechanism of Cash Flow in Geological Prospecting Enterprise

  4. 浅析机械制造企业的现金流量管理

    Brief Analysis on Cash Flows Managing in Machine Manufacturing Enterprises

  5. 我国上市中小企业现金流量管理研究

    On Cash Flows Management of Marketing Medium and Small-sized Enterprises in China

  6. 加强现金流量管理提高企业财务管理水平

    Strengthen Cash Flow Quantity Management and Improve the Financial Management Level of Enterprises

  7. 有关现金流量管理的研究也逐渐开展起来。

    The status of cash flow is decided by the degree of management .

  8. 试论现金流量管理在企业财务管理中的地位

    The Role of Cash Flow in Accounting Management

  9. 对现金流量管理理论体系的研究。

    Research on cash flow management theory system .

  10. 本文站在内部现金流量管理人员的角度探讨了现金流量分析。

    The article discuses the cash flow analysis from the point of internal managers .

  11. 现金流量管理与企业价值创造

    Cash Flow Management and Enterprise Value Creating

  12. 基于企业价值创造的上市公司现金流量管理研究

    A Research on Cash Flow Management of Listed Companies Based on the Enterprise Value Creation

  13. 医院现金流量管理初探

    Study on Cash Flow Management of Hospital

  14. 连锁商业现金流量管理研究

    Cash Flow Management in Chain Business

  15. 因此,要保证企业的现金流量管理符合计划的要求,必须要有有效的控制手段。

    So we must have some effective way to ensure cash flow management agrees with the plan .

  16. 在现代企业管理中,现金流量管理越来越受到管理层的重视。

    In the modern enterprise management , the managers pay more attention to the cash flow management .

  17. 营运资金与现金流量管理是现代财会管理的重要内容。

    Working funds and cash flow management is an important part of modern finance and accounting management .

  18. 浅谈现金流量管理的意义

    The Statement of Cash Flow

  19. 明确现金流量管理目标的关键在于对现金流量指标的选择。本文认为引入自由现金流量概念将有助于上述问题的解决。

    To choose free cash flows max as the objective is a good way to solve the problem .

  20. 然后,对现金流量管理理论作了简介,为本文的研究奠定理论基础。

    After the briefly introduces about the theory of cash flow management , this paper expounds the chain operation .

  21. 第三章构建了衡量房地产企业现金流量管理的控制指标,包括指标设计原则和设计方法等。

    Chapter ⅲ constructes indicators to measure cash flow management of the real estate business , including design principles and methods .

  22. 接下来,对连锁商业这种业态作了扼要的叙述,正是基于连锁商业这一业态与传统的商品流通企业有较大的差异,导致了其现金流量管理方法与一般的商品流通企业有所不同。

    The difference between the chain business and the traditional retailing business leads to the different way in the cash flow management .

  23. 最后是在总结全文的基础上得出研究结论并对有关现金流量管理、财务报告改进和对企业投资组合策略的后续问题研究进行了说明。

    Finally a conclusion has been drawn and explains cash flow management , improvement of report and the following study of portfolio tactics .

  24. 本文还采用了模型构建法,构建出基于价值创造与可持续增长的现金流量管理新模式。

    This article also uses the model method , building a new model of cash flow management based on value creation and sustainable growth .

  25. 最后针对高科技企业的成长特性,从现金流量管理的角度探讨了促使高科技企业持续发展的可行途径。

    Lastly , from the point of CFM , the paper probes into the feasible approach that can promote the durative development of high-tech enterprises .

  26. 现金流量管理是企业为达到价值最大化这一目标,对现金流进行的一种全面的、系统的价值管理活动。

    Cash flow management is a comprehensive system of value management , which it is to achieve the goal to maximize the value of financing .

  27. 现金流量管理的目标就是要使企业保持正常的现金流转,创造出更多的现金流量,从而使企业价值得到提升。

    The goal of cash flow management is to make enterprises keep normal cash circulation , create more cash flow , thus make enterprise value promoted .

  28. 最后从财务风险控制的目的出发,指出加强现金流量管理的具体原则和方法。

    The last part of this thesis points out some principles and methods of cash flow management under the purpose of controlling enterprises ' financial risk .

  29. 但由于长期以来人们对现金流量管理的意义没有一个清晰的认识,所以有必要对其进行一下论述。

    However , for a long time there is no clear knowledge about the benefit of cash flow management , so it is necessary to discuss it .

  30. 另外,上市公司不能忽略技术性防范措施,如适度负债、加强经营现金流量管理和财务信用管理等。

    Besides , the listed companies should not neglect the technical measures , such as the optimal debt and strengthening the management of current flow and financial credit .