
  • 网络Team;Project team;project group
  1. RationalTeamConcert为项目团队管理提供了一个强有力的协作性开发环境。

    Rational Team Concert provides a strong collaborative development environment for project team management .

  2. 高新技术企业RD项目团队绩效后评价模型基于平衡计分卡的方法

    Post-Evaluation of Performance Model of Hi-Tech Enterprise R D Project Team Based on the Balance Scorecard

  3. 由此,“人才云”让公司等商业机构能够按照需求迅速并有效地建立起项目团队。

    Therefore , the " human cloud " provides a great opportunity for businesses to staff up quickly and effectively on an on-demand basis .

  4. SOA卓越中心将如何与项目团队来往?

    How will the SOA COE interact with project teams ?

  5. RationalTeamConcert允许项目团队去定义、自动化和管理软件交付项目。

    Rational Team Concert allows project teams to define , automate , and govern software delivery projects .

  6. 怎样将这些数据转移至RationalTeamConcert,成为这些项目团队所面临的一个顶级的挑战。

    How to migrate that data to Rational Team Concert are is a top challenge for those project teams .

  7. 沟通计划:说明SOA团队将如何与其他项目团队和业务用户进行沟通。

    Communications plan : Explains how the SOA team will communicate with other project teams and business users .

  8. RationalMethodComposer是一个灵活的软件开发流程平台,可帮助您向项目团队交付自定义但一致的流程指导。

    Rational Method Composer is a flexible software development process platform that helps you deliver customized yet consistent process guidance to your project team .

  9. IBMRational顾问有着广泛领域的培训,顾问工作包会帮助项目团队提高工作速度。

    IBM Rational consultants have a wide range of training and consultancy packages that can help a project team get up to speed .

  10. 学习RUP需要理解它的结构和规程是如何服务于管理项目团队的。

    Learning RUP entails understanding how its structure and principles serve to guide project teams .

  11. 但是,默认的URLs会自动追踪缺陷到Eclipse项目团队之上。

    However , the default URLs will automatically route the defect to the Eclipse project team .

  12. 微软证实说使用TeamFoundationServer(TFS)的项目团队将来肯定可以应用敏捷开发流程。

    Microsoft affirms that teams using Team Foundation Server ( TFS ) will be able to " adopt any flavor of Agile development process " .

  13. 项目团队必须为执行的治理团体,或IT资产计划委员会(ITCapitalPlanningCommunity)拿出支持信息,对每个被提议的项目进行评估并制定最终决策。

    The planning team must then present this supporting information to the executive governing body , or IT Capital Planning Community , for evaluation and a final decision on each proposed project .

  14. 然后,区域性项目团队会采用新的广度区域网络(WAN)。

    Then , new wide area network ( WAN ) clients are adopted by regional project teams .

  15. 您可以获得此发布的Web站点,并为了项目团队成员更容易访问,手动地将其上传到PortfolioManager服务器上。

    You can then take this published Web site and manually upload it to the Portfolio Manager server for easy access by the team members of the project .

  16. RUP定义了那些能够在项目团队之间易于配置的过程。

    RUP defines processes which can be readily , or with little customization , deployed across project teams .

  17. 用户期望范围是X,然而项目团队认为是Y。资助人期望为X投资,但项目经理为Y而花费。

    Users expected the scope to be X , whereas the project team thought it was Y.Sponsors expected expenses to match X , but the project manager spent for Y.

  18. 第一,我们将探讨如何灵活的执行敏捷的CM流程为单个项目团队和大型开发组织带来好处。

    First , I 'll discuss how an Agile CM process can be implemented flexibly to benefit both the individual project team and the large development organization .

  19. 教育培训与文化:对某些项目团队而言,Web服务之类的SOA技术可能还是新事物,因而在利用可用服务之前,他们需要学习一些新的技能技巧。

    Education and culture : SOA technologies such as Web services may be new to some project teams and thus require learning new skills before they can begin to leverage available services .

  20. 定义SOA策略的企业团队需要利用项目团队的专业知识来帮助确定业务问题以及简化操作的方法。

    The enterprise teams that define the SOA strategy need to leverage the domain experience of the project teams to help identify business problems and ways to streamline operations .

  21. 如果一个项目团队要我给出直接的建议,我可能会建议使用log4j或CommonsLogging。

    If a project team asks me for a direct recommendation , I may suggest using log4j or commons logging .

  22. 项目团队的技术选择满足架构目标吗(组件化、面向服务的体系架构(SOA),框架,等等)?

    Q : Is the profile of the technology stack being implemented by the team compatible with the architectural goals ( componentization , service-oriented architecture ( SOA ), frameworks , etc. )?

  23. 在开发和集成Ajaxs应用程序时,对于更好的任务管理的潜在用户需求对项目团队中的开发人员以及其他成员提出了一个新的挑战。

    Potential users'demand for better management of tasks when developing and integrating Ajax applications presents a challenge for the developers and other members of a project team .

  24. 项目团队领导者和涉众通常对经典的RUP非常了解,但是对定制过程扩展和过程变量并不是十分适应。

    Project team leaders and stakeholders generally have a good working knowledge of classic RUP , but feel less comfortable with custom process extensions and process variants .

  25. 过程工程师可以使用RUP组织工具描述修改后的Scrum工作流。这样做有助于项目团队成员更好的理解Scrum过程。

    With the RUP Organizer , the process engineer describes the modified Scrum workflows , which helps project team members better understand the Scrum process .

  26. IT指导委员会的输入由SOACOE驱动,后者又从项目团队或垂直单位获得服务版本详细信息。

    The inputs for the IT steering committee are driven by the SOA COE , which in turn gets service version details from project teams or vertical units .

  27. 然后项目团队需要决定CCB多久应碰一次面来检查变更请求,并且要决定在确定应该实现哪一个时所使用的标准。

    Finally , decide how often the CCB should meet to review change requests and determine criteria for deciding which ones to implement .

  28. 使用这个试验研究的一个实例是除了您当前使用的这个模板或模块之外,您想要重用一个来自项目团队成员的Ajax模板或模块。

    One instance of using the pilot study is if you want to reuse an Ajax template or module from a team member of a project other than the one you are currently working on .

  29. 这正是FEST项目团队目前正专注的工作:开发一种回放/记录工具,它可以使用FEST-SwingJavaAPI生成完全基于对象的GUI测试。

    This is exactly what the FEST project team is currently working on : a playback / recording tool that generates clean object-oriented GUI tests using the FEST-Swing Java API .

  30. 新的RationalRequirementsComposer4.0(IBMCollaborativeLifecycleManagementCLM解决方案的一部分)改进了对企业部署的支持功能,新提供了增强版功能来改善软件和IT组织中项目团队的价值实现速度。

    The new Rational Requirements Composer 4.0 ( part of the IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management CLM solution ) improves support capability for enterprise deployments and provides new and enhanced features that improves a project team 's time-to-value in software and IT organizations .