
  • 网络Project Documents Management
  1. 本文还介绍了作者开发基于PDF的项目文档管理系统。

    This article introduces the Project Documents Management System based on PDF .

  2. 方法通过分析基于PDF的项目文档管理系统的结构,在。

    Methods The structure of project documents management system based on PDF is analyzed , and .

  3. 基于JAVAWeb组件技术的软件项目文档管理系统

    A Software Project Document Management System Based on Java Web Component Technology

  4. 基于Web的油田基建项目文档管理系统的开发

    The Development of File Management System for Base Construction Project in Oil Field Based on Web

  5. NET平台下使用组件技术和PDF表单技术实现了基于PDF的项目文档管理系统。

    NET component technology and PDF form are used to implement the system .

  6. 论国际工程项目文档管理与索赔管理

    File Management and Claim Management of the International Project

  7. 公路建设项目文档管理系统的软件实现

    Software Realization of Highway Construction Files Management

  8. 本文在介绍电子签名技术的基础上,对电子签名技术在公路工程项目文档管理中的应用等问题做了探讨。

    On the basis of introduction of techniques for electron signing , the paper does an approach to application of electron signing technique in the management of highway project files .

  9. 基于Internet的项目文档存储管理系统的研究与实践

    Study and practice of internet-based project documentation storage and management system

  10. 本文的核心是基于段的文档合并算法的研究与实现和基于Web的射频仿真项目软件文档管理系统的设计与实现。

    The paper focuses on the research and realization of Segment_based merging algorithm as well as the design and application of the document management system .

  11. 在此基础上,文章结合B/S结构的特点提出一个开放的分布式的基于Web的射频仿真项目软件文档管理系统的解决方案。

    Based on those , and with the characteristics of the B / S architecture , an open and distributed frame of document management system in software developing is brought forward .

  12. 基于合同的项目文档信息管理系统的实现

    A Solution of Management of Project Document Information based on Contract

  13. 项目文档集成管理的标准模型探讨

    Research on Integrated Document Management Model for Construction Project

  14. 将项目的文档管理和成员管理进行了一定程度的结合,加强了项目开发成员之间的协调性和项目负责人统筹管理的便利性,同时也为分散式项目开发模式进行了探索性研究。

    Just using it , the user management of system is connected with documentation management of project , that would strengthen the cooperation of the project ' members and bring more convenience to project manager for management as a whole .

  15. 此系统侧重于产品项目流程管理和文档管理,实现的主要功能模块有项目视图管理、测试视图管理、文档视图管理与组织视图管理等。

    This system focuses on the management of product project process and documents . The main functional modules include project view management , test view management , document management and organization view management .

  16. 系统主要包括系统管理模块、项目计划与管理模块、设计审图模块和项目文档管理模块等子系统。

    This subsystem mainly includes system management module , project plan and management module , drawing-censoring module and document management module .

  17. 因为项目管理者的工作使他们的处理资源遵从今天复杂的规章,他们必须精确地维护项目文档和管理定期地进行项目评估。

    As project managers work to make their computing resources comply with today 's complex regulations , they must maintain accurate project documentation and conduct periodic project assessments .