
  1. 第二个奖杯国际足联世界杯奖杯于1974年推出,奖杯底座为孔雀石,杯身由18K黄金铸成,高36.8厘米,重6.1公斤。

    The subsequent trophy , called the FIFA World Cup Trophy , was introduced in 1974 . Made of 18 karat gold with a malachite base , it stands 36.8 centimeters high and weighs 6.1 kilograms .

  2. 第二个奖杯“国际足联世界杯奖杯”于1974年推出,奖杯底座为孔雀石,杯身由18K黄金铸成,高36.8厘米,重6.1公斤。

    The subsequent trophy , called the " FIFA World Cup Trophy , " was introduced in 1974 . Made of 18 karat gold with a malachite base , it stands 36.8 centimeters high and weighs 6.1 kilograms .

  3. 自1930年世界杯问世以来,一共用过两个奖杯:1930年到1970年的雷米特杯和1974年至今的国际足联世界杯奖杯(即大力神杯)。

    Since the advent of the World Cup in 1930 , two trophies have been used : the Jules Rimet Trophy from 1930 to 1970 , and the FIFA World Cup Trophy from 1974 to the present-day .

  4. 世界杯的冠军球队将获得由国际足联颁发的金质世界杯奖杯。

    The champions of the World Cup will be awarded a gold trophy named the FIFA World Cup Trophy .