
  • 网络International Bank Loan
  1. 中国银行业与国际银行业贷款分类比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Loan Classification between Chinese and International Banking Industries

  2. 怎样到国际商业银行贷款

    International Commercial Bank Loans : How to Apply

  3. 剩下的7.5亿美元来自8家国际银行的银团贷款,安排者不是繁荣时代顺从的主承销商,而是KKR自身。

    The remaining $ 750m comes from a syndicate of eight international banks , arranged not by a pliant lead underwriter , as in the glory days , but by KKR itself .

  4. 国际复兴开发银行贷款资助的教育现代化项目(实施期为2003-2010年),已帮助马其顿应对建立高质量和分权化教育体系方面的挑战,所开展的具体工作包括

    The2003-2010 Education Modernization Project , financed with an IBRD loan , has helped Macedonia respond to the challenges of creating a quality , decentralized education system by

  5. 本项目设计方案赠款资金和国际复兴开发银行贷款资金组合使用,软化贷款条件,其总体目标是实现减贫。

    The project design combined grant funds with an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( IBRD ) loan to soften lending terms with the overarching objective of poverty reduction .

  6. 同时,在国际复兴开发银行贷款支持下,秘鲁政府正在实施多项计划,旨在进一步巩固成果,使针对秘鲁社会改革问责项目与成果和问责项目首先制定的战略的支持形成制度化。

    At the same time , initiatives are underway with IBRD funding to further strengthen outcomes and help institutionalize support for the strategies that have been originated under RECURSO and REACT .

  7. 国际复兴开发银行在贷款支付时自动固定利率。

    Bank to automatically fix the rate as the loan disburses .

  8. 面向国际复兴开发银行的贷款需求现已明朗化,远远超出了发展委员会在其上年度公告中提出的1000亿美元大关。

    Demand for IBRD lending is now clearly moving significantly beyond the $ 100 billion level that the Development Committee called for in its Communiqu é last year .

  9. 本文所称的国际借贷,取其狭义,并将之限制在国际商业银行贷款这一更小的范围,即国际商业银行作为贷款人以贷款协议的方式向借款人提供的商业贷款。

    In this paper , international loans are confined to international commercial banks loans , in which international commercial banks sign loan contract with foreign enterprises to provide commercial loans .

  10. 英国国际发展部提供了3450万美元赠款,该笔资金同国际复兴开发银行贷款混合使用,大大降低了中国借款的实际利率。

    DFID provided a grant of US $ 34.5 million which , blended with the IBRD loan , significantly reduced the effective interest rate to China .