
ɡuó wù qīnɡ
  • Secretary of State
国务卿 [guó wù qīng]
  • [secretary of state] 主管外交事务的政府内阁成员,美利坚合众国的国务卿为国务院的领导人

  1. 国务卿已被那些诡辩之词给说服了。

    The Secretary of State has given in to special pleading .

  2. 国务卿对提议进行了简要的概述。

    The proposals were given in outline by the Secretary of State .

  3. 最后仍然要由国务卿来定夺。

    The final word will still come from the Secretary of State .

  4. 尼克松-福特过渡时期的国务卿不希望推动那些提案得到通过。

    The secretary of state during the Nixon-Ford transition did not wish to push the proposals through .

  5. 美国国务卿和俄罗斯外交部长进行了会晤,试图敲定这项难以达成的协议。

    The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord .

  6. 那个决定引起人们对国务卿的权力及其做法的公平性的质疑。

    That decision raised questions about the secretary of state 's powers and the fairness of his procedure .

  7. 就连助理国务卿也不得不承认之前的政策并没有,用他的话说,收到成效。

    Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not , in his words , produce results .

  8. 总统任命她为国务卿。

    The president named her Secretary of the State .

  9. 法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。

    The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of American Secretary of State .

  10. 那人已被总统任命为下任国务卿。

    The man has been designated by the president as the next Secretary of state .

  11. 我崇拜前美国国务卿乔治•P•舒瓦茨,他阐明了气候变化的现实,为务实的解决方案提供支持。

    I admire former Secretary of state George P. Shultz for speaking up about the reality of climate change and building support for pragmatic solutions .

  12. 2008年,康多莉扎赖斯(condoleezzarice)成为上世纪50年代以来首位访问利比亚的美国国务卿。

    In 2008 , Condoleezza Rice became the first US Secretary of state to visit Libya since the 1950s .

  13. 国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在2009年2月访华前夕证实了这一态度。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed as much on the eve of her visit to China in February 2009 .

  14. 我与前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特(MadeleinAlbright)一起宣布了美国国务院与一个叫做“新开端伙伴”(PartnersforaNewBeginning)的新组织之间的合作。

    Together with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright , I announced a collaboration between the State Department and a new group called Partners for a New Beginning .

  15. 美国白宫(whitehouse)将宣布,提名美国前副国务卿罗伯特佐立克(robertzoellick)担任世界银行(worldbank)下任行长。

    The White House is poised to announce the nomination of Robert Zoellick , the former US Deputy Secretary of state , to be the next president of the world bank .

  16. 一年前,仍担任外交大臣的米利班德向美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)阐述了同样的论点。

    Mr Miliband made much the same case to Hillary Clinton a year ago while he was still serving as foreign secretary .

  17. 美国国务院一位发言人表示,中国官员上周末向助理国务卿克里斯托弗希尔(christopherhill)承认进行了这次试验。

    A US State Department spokesman said Chinese officials had acknowledged the test to Christopher Hill , assistant secretary of state , at the weekend .

  18. 凯雷在中国首都举行的活动,请来了美国前国务卿科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)演说。

    The guest speaker at a Carlyle event in the Chinese capital was Colin Powell , former secretary of state .

  19. 卫尔斯理的校友中包括两位国务卿,一位开创新时代的弦理论物理学家,一位NASA航天员,还有韩国的首位女性大使。

    Its alums have become two secretaries of state ; a groundbreaking string theorist ; a NASA astronaut ; and Korea 's first female ambassador .

  20. 首先,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)以其充满魅力的访问,在很大程度上消除了日本人对她可能偏爱中国而忽视日本的担心。

    First Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , largely dispelled fears that she might neglect Japan in favour of China with a charm-infused visit .

  21. 崔天凯将代表中国,负责亚太事务的美国助理国务卿库特坎贝尔(KurtCampbell)将代表美国。

    Mr Cui will represent China and Kurt Campbell , assistant secretary of state for the Asia-Pacific region , the US .

  22. 他甚至曾骄傲地把自己的电子邮件地址送给时任美国国务卿玛德琳奥尔布赖特(madeleinealbright)。

    He even proudly gave his e-mail address to Madeleine Albright , then US Secretary of state .

  23. 联合国和阿拉伯联盟谈判代表科菲·安南(KofiAnnan)周五在华盛顿会晤了美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿。

    United Nations and Arab League negotiator Kofi Annan met Friday in Washington with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

  24. 5年前,时任美国副国务卿罗伯特佐立克(robertzoellick)敦促中国成为国际体系中一个“负责任的利益相关方”。

    Five years ago , the then US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick urged China to become a " responsible stakeholder " in the international system .

  25. 九天前,美国前国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯也决定取消前往新泽西州罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)发表毕业典礼演说的计划,原因和拉加德基本相同。

    Nine days earlier , former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made the same decision , for essentially the same reason , about her planned speech at Rutgers University in New Jersey .

  26. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森报道,今天早些时候,国务卿在国会山申明了美国采取行动的理由。

    NPR 's Larry Abramson reports the secretary of state made the case for US action earlier today on Capitol Hill .

  27. 上世纪90年代美国国会明令禁止政府为世博会出资。美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)在最后一刻为筹款所做的努力才使美国得以参加此次世博会。费乐友说,美国馆自去年7月开始动工建设。

    A congressional mandate from the 1990s forbids government funding for an Expo , and only a last-minute fund-raising effort by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton salvaged U.S. participation .

  28. 中国很可能会将上述言论视为一种挑衅,因为它们呼应了美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)去年发表的激怒北京方面的话。

    China is likely to see the comments as a provocation as they echo remarks by Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , last year that infuriated Beijing .

  29. 我们对中国在安理会第三份决议方面缺乏合作感到失望。美国副国务卿尼古拉斯•伯恩斯(NicholasBurns)上周表示。

    We are disappointed by the lack of co-operation by China on a third Security Council resolution , Nicholas Burns , US undersecretary of state , said last week .

  30. 美国负责欧洲事务的助理国务卿菲利普戈登(philipgordon)明确表示,如果英国退出欧盟、或减弱在布鲁塞尔发挥的作用,将造成一系列后果。

    Philip Gordon , Assistant Secretary for European affairs , made it clear there would be consequences for Britain if it left the EU or played a lesser role in Brussels .