
  1. 1904年练兵处颁布全国统一的陆军学制,标志着近代新式军事教育体制基本建立。

    In 1904 , the Drill Office issued the universal land force 's school-system which marked the fundamental construction of modern military education system .

  2. 另外练兵处还亲自主持参与了两次由新军参与的现代化军事演习,引起了国内外的注目。

    Other military training at personally presided over involved in two new army to participate in the modernization of military exercises by the domestic and international concern .

  3. 第一章主要论述设立陆军部的历程,对练兵处作概要剖析,为下文专论陆军部作准备。

    The first chapter elaborates on the course of establishing the WarDepartment and analyses the Office training , to be ready for making special researches on the WarDepartment .

  4. 练兵处大臣袁世凯身体力行大力编练北洋新军,在其任职练兵处会办大臣期间取得了很高的练兵成就。

    Yuan Shikai practicing vigorously to train a Northern New Army , and achieved a high level of achievement of military training military training at the Office of the Minister during his tenure .

  5. 监督指导各地建立陆军学堂,催促各地设立督练公所,派遣大员考察各地新军编练情况,统一各地武器标准和军服样式,这些也都是练兵处参与全国新军编练的重要内容。

    Supervision and guidance of established throughout the Army School , urging the establishment of army training hall around , to send high-ranking officials investigated all over the new army organization and training , unified around the weapons standards and uniform style .