
  • 网络Book Classification;classification of books
  1. 胡应麟图书分类方法刍议

    On the Method of Hu Ying Lin 's Classification of Books

  2. 本文通过对我国古代图书分类的起源、发展及运用情况的介绍,分别探讨了中国古代图书分类体系的萌芽、确立到成熟的历史变迁过程。

    The author offers a brief account of the beginning of ancient classification of books , its development and operation . The author also talks about the historical track of the beginning , development and mature of the classification system in ancient China .

  3. 这一类型的人建立有秩序的制度,例如:杜威十进图书分类系统(Deweydecimalsystem)或学校课程表。

    They set up orderly systems , like the Dewey decimal system or a school curriculum .

  4. 在ILAS系统中嵌入中文医学图书分类模块的研究

    Research on the Module of Chinese Medical Library Classification Embedded in ILAS system

  5. 传统的图书分类与编目方法存在着严重的不足。那,就是E-BOOK(电子阅读器)。

    The methods of traditional book classification and cataloguing have proved to be seriously defective . It is E - BOOK .

  6. 本文设计了一种新型的专业分类表《中国图书馆图书分类法畜牧专业分类表》,除了传统的分类表以外,它还增加了分类号主题词对照索引和KWIC塑入口词索引。

    The paper designs a bland new professional classification table --

  7. 基于ART1网络的图书分类方法

    The Books ' Classification Based on ART 1

  8. 该文着重介绍了以抽象层次法组织的,用类比法、联想检索的CBR系统:西文图书分类专家系统FCCBR(ForeignCatalogofCase&BasedReasoningSystem)的工作机制。

    This article pays more attention to the practical CBR system with analogy method , associated retrieval : FCCBR ( Foreign Catalog of Case-Based Reasoning System ) .

  9. 本文对《中国图书馆图书分类法》“J”类中,把“美术字写法”纳入“书法、篆刻”类目提出了不同的看法,阐述了自己的观点并拟定了粗略的分类框架。

    The present paper puts forward different view on the bringing of the art lettering into the class heading of penmanship and seal cutting under the " J " classed catalogue of the Chinese Library Classification , and elaborates a point of view , drafting a rough classification frame .

  10. 结合自身的实践经验,分析了在图书馆图书分类工作中参考CIP数据的利与弊,指出正确的CIP数据可对分类工作者提供帮助,而错误的CIP数据则会误导分类者。

    According to his own experience , the author has analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of reference CIP data in library classification work . As we know , a correct CIP data can provide assistance for library classification work ers , but a wrong CIP data can mislead them .

  11. 开架管理下图书分类和排架的思考

    Thought of Book Classification and Stack Arrangement Under Open Shelf Management

  12. 图书分类号的读音应统一规范

    Pronunciation of Books ' Classified Numbers Should be Unified and Standardized

  13. 试论影响图书分类认知的因素及对策

    Factors that Influence the Perception of Books Classification and Their Countermeasures

  14. 在版编目医学图书分类规范化初探

    Classification standardization of medical books in CIP : a preliminary discussion

  15. 谈图书分类标引的准确性和一致性

    On the Accuracy and Consistency of Classifying and Indexing Chinese Books

  16. 对于文化思潮类图书分类的一些认识和想法

    On how to classify books with the trend of culture thought

  17. 图书分类法性能的定量测评初探

    Quantitative Determination of the Effectiveness of a Book Classification Method

  18. 从图书分类法到新闻分类法:理论意义探索

    From Chinese Library Classification to Chinese News Classification : Theoretical Significance Discussion

  19. 《中国图书馆图书分类法》多次复分类型和复分中应注意的几个问题

    Types of Subdivisions in Chinese Library Classification and the Aspects Meriting Consideration

  20. 图书分类工作现状分析与思考

    An analysis of the status quo of book classification and some suggestions

  21. 高校图书分类人员基本素质刍议

    Discussion on the Basic Qualities of the Classifying Librarian of A University

  22. 图书分类的出错原因及控制

    The Causes of Errors in Classifying Books and Their Control

  23. 制定图书分类细则的若干问题

    Some problems in laying down subdivisional rules of book classification

  24. 关于计算机技术图书分类标引的一点看法

    A View on Classifying Index of Books by Computer Technology

  25. 国外几种主要物理学分类法述评&兼评《中国图书馆图书分类法》物理学类

    A Comment on Several Major Library Classifications for Physics Literature

  26. 自动化技术和计算技术图书分类难点探析

    The Difficulties in Classification for Automation and Computing Technology Books

  27. 在网络化环境中提高图书分类质量的几个问题

    Several Issues in Improving the Quality of Books Classification under Network Environment

  28. 中国古代图书分类之历史演变

    On the Historical Evolution Concerning the Classification of Ancient Books in China

  29. 图书分类常见错误与对策

    Typical Errors in Library Cataloguing and the Countermeasures CLASSIFIED INDEX

  30. 她要人帮忙搞好她的图书分类。

    She needed some help with her word jumble .