
  • 网络Tuor;tour;Touraine;tull
  1. 雷诺先生在14日晚从图尔来到法国政府的新址。

    Mr. Reynaud reached the new seat of government from Tours in the evening of the 14 th .

  2. 图尔和爱尔追是否不止埃兰迪尔这一个孩子?

    Should tuor and idril have had more children than just earendil ?

  3. 图尔金拍拍他的肩膀。“不好意思打断您一下,上校。”

    Turkin tapped him on the shoulder . ' Sorry to interrupt , Colonel . '

  4. 最近我们不常见到亲爱的彼得·奥图尔活跃在银幕上了。

    We don 't see much of dear old Peter O'Toole on the silver screen these days .

  5. 莱克图尔是个熙熙攘攘的集镇,第一次去热尔观光从那里开始再好不过了。

    Lectoure is a bustling market town and the best jumping-off point for a first visit to Le Gers .

  6. 她驾车开过图尔内勒桥,穿过繁忙的码头开到拉丁区。

    She drove across the Tournelle bridge and across the busy quays to the Latin quarter .

  7. 肯定不是31岁的斯坦福毕业生、被SEC列为被告的图尔。

    Tourre , the31-year-old Stanford graduate named as a defendant in the SEC suit .

  8. 除了波顿与温图尔外,大都会艺术博物馆的馆长托马斯•坎贝尔(ThomasPCampbell)同样是位英国佬。

    As well as Bolton and Wintour , the Met 's director Thomas P Campbell is also a Brit .

  9. 不过,图尔案件后,SEC还是很快就额手称庆了。

    Nevertheless , the SEC was quick to take a victory lap after the Tourre result .

  10. 温图尔自1988年以来一直为《Vogue》工作,而且将继续服务下去。

    Wintour will continue to run Vogue , which she 's done since 1988 .

  11. 作为美国版Vogue的主编,恐怕没有多少人会拒绝安娜温图尔。

    As U.S. Vogue 's editor-in-chief , it is likely that few people say no to Anna Wintour .

  12. 我俩就站在安娜•温图尔时装设计中心(AnnaWintourCostumeCenter)的节能馆(自2014年以来,服装学院展览馆就被改为现名)。

    We are standing in the conservation lab of what , since 2014 , has been named the Anna Wintour Costume Center .

  13. 在一封发给朋友的电子邮件中,图尔将自己与aca和保尔森的会议形容为“超现实的”。

    In one e-mail to a friend , he called a meeting with ACA and Paulson " surreal " .

  14. 本周接受了“湿身”挑战的名人包括美国前总统小布什、演员本•阿弗莱克、《Vogue》杂志主编安娜•温图尔,以及通用电气(GeneralElectric)首席执行官杰夫•伊梅尔特。

    This week former President George W. Bush , actor Ben Affleck , Vogue editor Anna Wintour , and General Electric chief executive Jeff Immelt became the most recent famous faces to get soaked .

  15. 据美国证券交易委员会(SEC)说,图尔原则上对和营销SEC指控焦点的产品负有责任。

    According to the Securities and Exchange Commission , Tourre was'principally responsible for the structuring and marketing'of the product at the center of the SEC complaint .

  16. 美国版《Vogue》主编安娜・温图尔(AnnaWintour)也手拿一部基本款Pantech(另一部是iPhone)。

    Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour carries a rudimentary Pantech ( in addition to an iPhone ) .

  17. 正如该学院总裁多米尼克图尔平(DominiqueTurpin)所言:我们变得昂贵了。

    As IMD president Dominique Turpin puts it : We were expensive .

  18. 安娜温图尔是英国人,她是《Vogue》杂志美国版主编,她大概是时装业有史以来最受尊敬的人。

    Anna Wintour is British . She is the editor-in-chief of American Vogue . She is probably the most respected person in the fashion industry ever .

  19. 还有几百人(包括《Vogue》杂志的安娜・温图尔(AnnaWintour))被伦敦的大风耽搁了行程,他们的飞机改道都柏林和纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)。

    Hundreds ( including Vogue 's Anna Wintour ) were waylaid by London 's high winds , their planes redirected to Dublin and Newcastle .

  20. 目前居住在布鲁克林的图尔卡耶夫又名亚历克斯(Alex)。他表示自己利用豪车差价套利的做法没有违法。

    Mr. Turkayev , who now lives in Brooklyn and goes by the name Alex , said he did nothing wrong in taking advantage of a pricing arbitrage for luxury cars .

  21. 本论文主要研究S.E.图尔敏的论证模式。

    This paper is mainly to study S.E.

  22. 入场后,他坐在温图尔身边,温图尔的女儿碧夏弗(BeeShaffer)也穿了多尔奇的长袍。

    In the auditorium , he sat near Ms. Wintour , whose daughter , Bee Shaffer , arrived wearing a Dolce gown .

  23. 事实上,这个小女孩的整体造型非常可爱,连《Vogue》时尚杂志的总编辑安娜温图尔在跟她聊天的过程中都一直忍不住对她笑呢。

    In fact , the little girl was so cute in her ensemble that even Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour was seen giving her an indulgent smile as Harper chatted away to her .

  24. 有人援引美国《Vogue》杂志的编辑安娜•温图尔的话说:“她丝毫不会给人廉价或低俗的感觉,她的着装和年龄相称,而且看起来永远是那么得体。”

    " There 's nothing trashy or vulgar about her ," US Vogue editor Anna Wintour has been quoted as saying . " She dresses her age and never looks out of place . "

  25. 但是,对于高盛和图尔在交易中积极误导了ikb(而非只是没有披露所有情况),证据并不完整。

    But the evidence that Goldman and Mr Tourre actively misled IKB about the transaction , as opposed to not disclosing everything , is patchy .

  26. 她根本不是“vogue”杂志美国版主编安娜温图尔(annawintour),而是一个替身,真正的温图尔女士已经飞回美国,以抗议欧洲时装周时间过长。

    Not American vogue editor Anna Wintour at all but an impersonator , the real MS Wintour having flown back to the US in protest at the length of the European season .

  27. 68岁的温图尔自2013年起就在《Vogue》杂志(康泰纳仕集团出版发行的一本期刊)和康泰纳仕集团担任艺术总监,如今她将在该杂志标志性的9月刊发行后离开这家公司。

    Wintour , 68 , will depart Vogue and Cond é Nast - where she has served as artistic director since 2013 , ending her time at the company with the publication 's iconic September issue .

  28. 证交会还指控称,图尔向aca暗示,保尔森将购买这些cdo中风险最大的“股本部分”,因此将在交易中持有多头部位。

    The SEC also alleges that Mr Tourre implied to ACA that Paulson would be taking a long position in the deal by buying the riskiest " equity tranche " of the CDO .

  29. CLO并不属于在一定程度上导致此前美国住房抵押贷款市场崩盘的衍生金融产品,后者是曼哈顿下城正在对高盛(GoldmanSachs)前银行家法布里斯•图尔进行审判的案件的核心。

    Clos are not the derivatives that are in part credited with blowing up the mortgage market and are at the heart of a trial going on in lower Manhattan against former Goldman Sachs ( GS ) banker Fabrice Tourre .

  30. 第二排就座的顶级大腕当属瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino)。安娜・温图尔坐在第二排引发了时尚圈的一阵窃窃私语,不过她放弃第一排座位是为了和她带来的一位嘉宾坐在一起。最令人兴奋的回归

    Best-second-row honors go to Valentino : Anna Wintour 's second-row seat caused a fashion buzz , but she gave up a front-row seat to join a guest she brought along . Fondest Return