
  1. 基于OpenGL的三维图形交互系统的研究

    Research on Three-Dimensional Interactive Graphics Technology Based on OpenGL

  2. 支持虚拟场景图形交互系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Data - Driven Graphic Interactive System

  3. 该界面模型以实现图形交互系统自动生成、支持系统体系结构设计为目标,包括功能模型、内在模型和基于界面模板的表示模型三个部分。

    The model aims at the implementation of graphical UI systems and their automatic code generation . It supports the architecture design of applications .

  4. 提出了以COM+事件服务为其消息平台的远程动态图形交互系统的方案、组成及实现过程。

    This paper puts forwards the plan 、 composition and its implementation of remote dynamic graph interactive system which takes COM + event service as its message platform .

  5. 一种基于进程执行行为分析的图形界面交互系统性能评测方法

    Evaluating GUI Systems Based on the Analysis of Process Execution Behaviors

  6. 模具协同设计的CAD图形预览与交互系统

    CAD Sketch Interaction and Preview of Collaborative - design of Molding Tool

  7. 它首先介绍了自动代码生成技术;然后介绍了XML脚本标记语言;最后描述了TSL模板脚本语言在图形化用户交互系统中的应用。

    It introduced the first automatic code generation technology ; then introduced the XML markup language script ; last TSL template described in the scripting language graphical user interaction systems .

  8. 玻二维图形交互;数控系统;设计;

    Interactive of2D graphics ; CNC system ; Design ;

  9. 数控加工中的图形交互自动编程系统

    Automatic programming system of interactive graphics in NC machining

  10. 线切割机床的图形交互自动编程系统

    The Graphic Auto-Programming System of WEDM

  11. 用户通过图形交互界面和系统进行交互,选择需要的结果,最后返回树形查询结果,并能看到相关的信息。

    Users interacted with system through graphical user interface , selected the desired results , and finally returned query results in the form of tree , and related information could be seen .

  12. 将数据库管理、图形交互技术应用于系统的开发,建立了交互式Web服务器应用程序,实现了控制过程的可视化以及管理的信息化和网络化。

    In the development of the system , database management and graphics interactivity technology are adopted . Based on B / S structure mode , the control procedure is visual , and also the interactive web server applications as well as the informatization and networked of management are realized .

  13. 根据二维CAD图形的数据格式,提出利用ActiveX控件来实现CAD矢量图形直接预览和图形交互系统。

    According to the data format of 2D CAD sketch , it is proposed to realize the direct preview of CAD vector sketch and CAD sketch interaction with ActiveX control .

  14. 本系统为解决矢量图形交互的问题提供了新的思路,为现代工程地质图形的发布提供了一种崭新方法,也可以扩展应用到其它基于空间数据的图形交互系统中。

    This system provides a new way for the settlement of vector graphics interaction , a new method for the release of modern engineering geology graphics , and also can be extended to other space data-based graphic interactive system .