
  1. 拒绝奢华诱惑,圆一个好梦,经济型,也意味着最时尚的消费理念。

    Rejecting the temptation of luxury and dreaming a good dream are the most trendy consumption concept .

  2. 她选择这种辛苦的“陪读”生活,为的是女儿的前途,更是为圆自己的一个梦。

    She chooses this hard life not only for her daughter 's future , but also for a dream of her own .

  3. 徐静蕾说,她创办这份杂志是为了圆儿时的一个梦,也是为了接触到广告客户,其中一些有可能也对投资她的电影项目感兴趣。

    Ms. Xu says she founded the magazine to fulfill a childhood dream , as well as to cultivate relationships with advertisers that might also be interested in her film projects .

  4. 圆一个仲夏夜之梦

    " Dream in the Mid-Summer Night "

  5. 但是在这个我祖父母和父母出生的国度,这个我一直被强烈的情感和文化所维系的国度,能同各位分享我的成功感受,是我极大的荣幸,也圆了我的一个梦。

    But being here in the country where my parents and grandparents were born - a country to which I continue to feel strong emotional and intellectual ties - is an enormous privilege and a dream come true .