
  • 网络The Grand Hotel;Grand Hotel Taipei
  1. 他在圆山大饭店住了三天。

    He checked into the grand hotel for a three-day stay .

  2. 圆山大饭店,圆山大饭店离这远吗?

    The Grand hotel , is it far from here ?

  3. 对不起,请问到圆山大饭店怎么走?

    Excuse me , How do I get to the Grand hotel ?

  4. 当我们在外用餐时,通常都去圆山大饭店。

    When we eat out , we generally go to the Grand Hotel .

  5. 我将住在圆山大饭店。

    I will stay at the Grand Hotel .

  6. 请你画张去圆山大饭店的地图给我好吗?

    Would you please make me a map showing the way to the Grand Hotel ?