
tǔ dì jiāo yì
  • land transaction
  1. 土地交易中安全性的比较法考察

    The Safety in Land Transaction : A View from Comparative Law

  2. 房地产价格不确定性对土地交易效率的影响分析

    An analysis of effects of uncertainty in real estates price on efficiency of land transaction

  3. 《ft中国投资参考》(chinaconfidential)通讯及其网站在湖北、浙江、江苏、山东、河南和山西进行的研究表明,土地交易势头迅猛。

    Research by the China confidential newsletter and website in the provinces of Hubei , Zhejiang , Jiangsu , Shandong , Henan and Shanxi provinces suggests that transactions are proceeding apace .

  4. 据一位双胞胎节假日(holiday)委员会的律师称,伴因为这项土地交易在今年的作完,双胞胎节假日(holiday)将取得4到5百万美元。

    With the land deal expected to be completed this year , about $ 4 million to $ 5 million will go to the festival , according to a lawyer for the Twins Days Festival Committee .

  5. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)中国房地产业分析师杜劲松表示,随着开发商推迟新项目开工,土地交易量也大幅下降,而且随着购房人买房意愿进一步减弱,土地交易量可能持续走弱。

    The volume of land transactions has also dropped sharply as developers hold off on new projects and will probably continue to weaken as homebuyer sentiment falls further , says Du Jinsong , China property analyst at Credit Suisse .

  6. 选取从1998年第3季度至2011年第2季度的存贷款利率I、土地交易价格指数LPL、房屋销售价格指数LPH数据作为实证检验的样本数据。

    We choose the interest rates I , the housing price indices ( LPH ) and the land exchange price indices ( LPL ) from the third quarter of 1998 to the second quarter of 2011 as the sample data .

  7. 两宋土地交易中的若干法律问题

    Some Legal Problems in Land Trading during the Two Song Dynasties

  8. 征地补偿标准明显过低,不能体现土地交易价格等因素。

    Land requisition compensation standard unable to reflect the land market price .

  9. 宋代土地交易非常活跃,有复杂灵活的交易方式:绝卖、活卖、倚当。

    In Song Dynasty , the land trading was very active and flexible .

  10. 卡特尔被允许主导土地交易。

    Cartels are allowed to dominate land transactions .

  11. 过渡经济体制下的城市规划和土地交易问题的制度分析

    Application of institutional approach in studying urban planning and land transaction under the transition economy

  12. 农村土地交易中社会资本运作研究

    Studies on the Operation of the Social Capital in the Trade of Land in the Countryside

  13. 城乡结合部土地交易活跃,土地价格类型多样,但是由于管理比较薄弱,土地市场中问题比较突出。

    However , the problems of land market are compared obviously since land management is weak .

  14. 可是,广东省高层官员同意乌坎村重新举行选举,并调查相关土地交易。

    Instead , senior provincial party officials agreed to fresh elections and to investigate the land deals .

  15. 利用上海市土地交易价格资料,尝试测度了土地要素投入对上海市经济增长的贡献。

    The paper measures contribution rate of land to economic growth by using land exchange price data in shanghai .

  16. 政府应该在市场准入、土地交易等环节逐步放松规制,增强市场活力。

    Release on market access and land transaction will be calculated by government so as to add the market energy .

  17. 他们声称吴志诚有可能破坏法国的遗产,并颠覆当地土地交易谨慎定价的古老制度。

    They accused him of potentially destroying France 's heritage and uprooting an age-old system of carefully priced land transactions .

  18. 这笔钱将帮助佳兆业为深圳的一笔土地交易付款。

    The money will help Kaisa pay for a land deal in Shenzhen , an acquisition made jointly with Sino-Life .

  19. “这项研究记载的大部分土地交易都不涉及土地费用或费用极少,”报告说。

    " Most of the land deals documented by this study involved no or minimal land fees , " it says .

  20. 例如,土地交易被错误的计算成新投资,实际上这些土地仅仅是所有权发生转移。

    For example , land purchases are wrongly counted as new investment when they are really just a transfer of ownership .

  21. 与此相应,在法律上有关土地交易的程式化要件、实质性要件及相关诉讼问题规定得都比较完备。

    To be comparable , the corresponding legal procedure documents , practical documents and lawsuit related to land trading were rather perfect .

  22. 由于相关土地交易受到质疑,中国政府多次下达针对新建高尔夫球场的禁令。

    Amid controversy over shady land deals , the government has repeatedly tried to ban the construction of new courses at times .

  23. 该邦一项土地交易记录显示,瓦德拉所购买的土地价值在三年之内飙升了五倍。

    The value of the land Mr. Vadra bought soared sixfold within three years , a state record of land transactions shows .

  24. 这一制度的诞生,对我国城市土地交易市场、房地产开发市场以及城市整体规划建设产生了重大的影响。

    The naissance of the system has exerted a great influence on urban land market , real estate market and urban general planning .

  25. 其余的非公共利益的商业性的用地需求,只能从土地交易市场上取得。多尺度耕地供需动态平衡预警体系研究

    Other land demands can only be satisfied through the land market . Forewarning System of Dynamic Balance Between Cultivated Land Demands and Supplies at Multi-Measures

  26. 农民进行土地交易自古有之,但这只是一些经济行为,还无法称之为“农民土地市场”。

    Peasants had been doing land dealings from the old days , but those were pure economic activities and couldn tbe called peasant land market .

  27. 经济产出价值以外的价值应该得到认可,并应在土地交易中得以体现。

    With regards to this , in addition to the economic output value , the other values should be recognized and reflected in land trade .

  28. 在土地交易最终敲定前,他曾与大约100名村镇代表到过那里,进行过为期一周的公费旅游。

    He and about 100 other town and village representatives had travelled there on a week-long expenses-paid trip before the land deals had been finalised .

  29. 非亲缘关系的土地交易取代家庭内部继承土地的习俗,是土地市场活跃的重要原因之一。

    Non-relatives land transfer took the place of land transfer within the families is one of the most important reasons of the development of land market .

  30. 并借鉴地价泡沫的研究方法,对武汉市城市土地交易价格虚构度进行分析;

    It analyzes the fluctuation range of land price in Wuhan through the way research on foam of land price and the cause of exceptional land price .