- land transfer;transfer of land

On the Rural Land Transfer Contract Effect in Judicial Practice
Local governments are too depended on the income of land transfer and the relative finance through land ;
The government conveyed this piece of land to a company .
The Transferability and Efficient Allocation of Rural Land in China
Notable among these contracts are contracts for the sale and disposal of land .
The author concludes that the free transfer of rural land in China is a policy option .
Separatist leader and Kashmir 's main cleric Mirwaiz Umar says the issue has moved beyond land transfer .
" We remain concerned about the Land Transfer Tax in the City of Toronto ," said Ms.O'Neill .
Israeli officials say the masterplan for mass resettlement will entail an unprecedented transfer of government land to Israeli Arabs .
The right of the rural land transfer and emergence of the rural land transfer is an important reform in Chinese system .
Their solution to indigenous agrarian problems consisted of an intensification of production that was to be financed by the sale of land .
Mr Ho has defended the practice of land grants , arguing that open bidding would have fuelled an even bigger surge in property prices .
The benefit of transferees includes productive income and unproductive income , and cost includes transaction expense , land assignment fee , and land rent in contract period .
The campaign against commercial bribery mainly targeted at construction projects , land transfers , property transactions , pharmaceutical sales , government procurement contracts as well as resources exploitation and sales .
Over the same 12 months , China was home to almost half of all land sales in the world , whether measured by their value or the number of parcels sold .
The government can sacrifice part of its earnings from the transfer of land to developers , and strike specific deals with the latter to cap the prices of houses built on such plots .
Thus , some region has urbanization and industrialization , more and more farmers deviated agriculture and rural . Some of them rent or transfer land to the other . The farmland transfer market is gradually lively .
Some of the land of the factory was made over to the middle school . A remainder is the remnant of the whole estate disposed of after a preceding part of the same has been give away .
John had made over to him most of the land
The transfer of property usually land to someone else
Legally speaking , proponents believe that restrictions on the transfer of collective land are a collective land ownership restriction , which incompatible with the civil law principle of equality .
With the implementation of the auction in land transaction in public and the announcement of # 121 regulation from central bank , most of the real estate companies feel the funding pressure and many real estate companies in small scale bankrupted .
With the transfer of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects by the land users , the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be transferred accordingly , with the exception of the movables .
Inquiry into the Transfer of the Right of Rural Land Use
The ownership of the land was transferred to John smith .
Influence of Approval on the Effectiveness of Real Estate Dealing Contract
How to Get the Legal Accounting Voucher of Land Transfer Royalty ?
Economics analysis and system design in transfer right of rural land use
Regulation of land use right transfer prices , control the cost of land .
The Analysis on the Effectiveness of Land-use Right Transfer Contract and Real Right Alternation