
  • Mortgage of construction in progress;mortgage of constructing project
  1. 浅析在建工程抵押权的效力

    Simple Analysis on the Mortgage Right Effect of the Constructing Projects

  2. 如何防范在建工程抵押风险

    Views on Preventing Mortgage Risks of Being Built Project

  3. 在建工程抵押已成为房地产开发商融资的主要手段。

    The mortgage of the construction in progress has become the main means for financing of real estate developers .

  4. 为完善在建工程抵押制度,应对现行法律法规做适当的修改。

    The current law shall be properly revised in order to prefect the system of mortgage of construction work in progress .

  5. 但由于在建工程抵押本身所具有的特殊性及理论研究的不足等问题,致使立法和实务中仍存在许多不完善、不科学之处。

    However , the specialties of the mortgage of the construction in progress itself and the insufficiency of theoretical study thereon result in the imperfection and unreasonableness in the legislation and practice .

  6. 在建工程抵押权是房地产开发商为取得建设资金,将尚未完工的工程设定抵押,作为向银行申请贷款的担保。

    Construction in progress is a mortgage real estate developer to obtain construction funds , the project settings have not yet been completed mortgage application to the bank as collateral for loans .

  7. 但在此过程中经常遇到客户要求把房地产价值评估得高些以及开发商提供不真实的规划资料等问题,致使在建工程抵押评估差异较大。

    Because of the variance of mortgage appraisals of construction in progress , actually we often encounter problems such as the high demand from clients and files offered by the developers were not true .

  8. 结合全文对在建工程抵押理论与实践中的问题进行法律角度分析的基础上,提出今后我国在建工程抵押理论研究和立法应着重完善的内容。

    This part , on the basis of analysis of the theoretical and practical problems of the mortgage of the construction in progress from the legal prospective , proposes what to be improved in the theoretical study and legislation on the mortgage of the construction in progress .

  9. 然后探讨了在此案例评估过程中遇到的一些问题,例如如何准确、全面地认识估价对象;如何进行市场背景的分析;在评估过程中怎样考虑在建工程房地产抵押价值评估的特殊性等问题。

    Then it discusses some of the problems encountered in the case of the assessment process , such as how to understand the evaluation object accurately and roundly , how to analyze the market background and how to consider the particularity in the process of appraisal .